Bad Plans In Action

Start from the beginning

My fist clenches at the idea, we still aren't much closer to finding a cure for Stiles.

"But while it does, work the oni won't go after Stiles, right?" Argent questions.

"I hope. Eichen House has an unusual history. It might not be safe for the oni there as well." I run my hand through my hair, if it's not safe for the demonic ninjas then how the hell is it safe for Stiles.

"What's the second problem?"

"I checked with your contacts in Japan. The yakuza boss you saw killed by the oni never found the scroll."

"What scroll?" I cut in.

"A Shugendo scroll. The Shugendo were asectic mystics of Japan." Deaton explains.

"The scroll had information on how to exorcise a nogitsune." Argent adds.

"So we need to find that scroll?" Scott asks.

"Exactly. And I did get a name of the man who last purchased it. Kincaid."

Allison and I both look up when Deaton says the name. Isaac told me about the werewolf who was with Katashi.

"He was with Katashi. He's the guy who met with Isaac to buy the gun." Allison explains.

"Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself." I add.

"But Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things. And a paranoid like Katashi would keep it close. Probably on him at all times."

"What does a Shugendo Scroll look like?" Allison questions.

Deaton gets up from his chair and goes over to filing cabinet and pulls out an ancient looking scroll. "Something like this." He says while holding it out for us to see.

Deaton hands it to me, and I suddenly get an idea. "These come indifferent sizes, right?" I ask.

Deaton nods. "Any size."

"Then I think I know where it might be." In the silver finger Katashi had.


My brother called me today from the station to let me know that they were moving the evidence for the Katashi murder, because it was now a federal investigation, so if we had any chance, to get Derek and Argent out, and see if the scroll was in Katashi's prosthetic it was now.

I called Allison and relayed the news, when she, Lydia and I met at her apartment to create a plan to break into the police van and stop the transport, so we could get the scroll and save, Derek, Stiles and Argent.

Lydia,and I had called in the whole pack even the twins to help us execute are very very high risk and illegal plan, but hey wouldn't be the first time we've done something illegal.

I was waiting with Lydia and Allison in the apartment when a knock was at the door. I pulled it open, to let in the twins and Scott, I walked away with them trailing behind me and began explaining the plan. "Derek, said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by armored car tonight. Probably within the next few hours."

I came and stood next to Lydia who was in the middle of Allison and I.

"We're going to rob an armored car?" Ethan asks in disbelief at the plan I just laid out.

Lydia looked between Allison and I, and pursed her lips. "Well, we're going to try." She drawls out.


Lydia, Allison and I had explained the full plan to the boys. The first to speak was Scott.

"This is a really bad plan." Scott deadpans.

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