Timey Wimey

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As the detective pulled away from her embrace with Sherlock, she noticed almost everyone was cowering away, hiding under desks.

"What's gotten you guys so spooked?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she adjusted her slightly askew glasses.

Turning back to Sherlock, she frowned at the pale, blank expression.

"Sherlock?" She asked gently, as John and Lestrade slowly emerged from under the desk they were previously occupying.

"John!" She yelled and tackled said man into a hug, but pulled back slightly disheartened when John stood still.

"Guys... What's wrong?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Two weeks." Sherlock muttered, as he took in the detectives appearance, noticing she looked exactly the same as she did the day she disappeared.

With furrowed brows, the detective only stared at Sherlock in confusion.

Clearing his throat, Sherlock, only just noticing the other four men that had appeared with the detective, but only giving them a fleeting glance as his gaze turned back to the woman in front of him. His expression was unreadable.

"Two weeks. You've been missing for two weeks, off doing God knows what with God knows who, looking exactly the way we all last saw you. I-," Sherlock cleared his throat." We thought maybe one of Moriarty's men had gotten to you!" Sherlock scolded, slightly glaring at the frowning woman.

"But they hadn't. I'm okay!" She replied with a gentle smile, trying to ease the tension.

"Wait." She started, "did you say two weeks? That I've been gone for two weeks? But that's impossible, see the Doctor and I were only in the State's for an hour, I- Doctor?" She pondered aloud, turning to the Doctor who had a rather sheepish grin.

"I may have accidentally taken us two weeks into the future. It was just going on to New year's here, wasn't it." He awkwardly explained, scratching the back of his head.

"What...? I thought you said you knew how to fly that thing!" The detective stated, slightly agitated.

"To be fair, all I said was we were to Suix Falls..." The Doctor tried to defend himself as the woman rounded on him with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape.

"You're telling me... that I've missed two weeks of my life in a blink of an eye?" The woman started as her eyes started to narrow.

"Technically... the moment you stepped out of the T.A.R.D.I.S..." The Doctor replied sheepishly.

"I don't mean to interrupt the domestics here, but can somebody tell me what the bloody hell is going on here?" Interrupted Lestrade as he dusted himself of, "and what the hell is a T.A.R.D.I.S?" 

"Long story short, I was attacked, saved by this mad man in a box, travelled two weeks into the future and across the country to America and fast travelled back here. There. are we all caught up now?" Replied the woman, taking a deep breath, her hair whipping behind her as she turned to Lestrade to pull him into a hug.

By this point, all the cowering detectives had all emerged from under their desks to crowd around the significant seven. 

"This is bloody madness! Do you honestly expect us to believe this garbage?" Cried Anderson as he pushed his way to the front. 

"Oh do shut up Anderson. This matter doesn't concern you - " Sherlock began, but was interrupted by an ear splitting scream.

In a matter of moments, those occupying Scotland Yard had all emptied out to the front, only to be met by an even stranger sight.

There before them laid a body. Her hair shrivelled and wet laid around her head, her bright eyes now dull as her glasses laid cracked and blood stained next to her. Her clothes the exact same office suit she disappeared in.

There, laying before them was a body identical to the readers very own.

 A/N: Alright. I know it's been seven months since I last updated and this chapter is crappy as hell. Allow me to clarify the ending. The body on the stairs of Scotland Yard is completely identical to that of the readers. I kind broke writing continuity to allow it to make more sense. 

There's no excuse why this chapter took so long, but I will explain to you the series of events why.

1) This time last year I was kicked out, so trying to find a stable home and a general place to live has been difficult

2) I've been busy with training

3) My phone, the one I originally wrote this story of, broke

4) I've had to deal with drama from ex friends and family and all that shit.

5) I mostly lost passion for this story, but I am working on trying to get back into the swing of things, but you gotta understand, this story wasn't even suppose to be a story. It was originally planned as a one shot, but I thought it would make a good story, however my writing is lacking in this chapter. So please forgive me and allow me time to get back into the swing of things. 

Thank You 

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