Suddenly, a Wild Blue Box Appear

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"Kill Dick? No no no, I won't allow it." Said the Doctor, surprise evident on his face as he rounded on Dean.

"You won't allow it? Doctor, I'm not sure you know, but he's killed many people. Either we kill him, or he kills us." Dean replied, staring at the Doctor dumbfounded, arms spread out from his side, almost flailing them.

"'We kill him or he kills us? That's barbaric, you humans are all about violence -" The Doctor started before being interrupted.

"Hey, Doctor, buddy, that's the rules of the supernatural. Kill or be killed. There's no room for morals." Dean informed, his face setting to stone as he crossed his arms.

The bespectacled companion sat with Sam on the old couch, watching the argument ensue, after Sam explained to her the existence of the supernatural; demons, angels, vampires "the whole nine yards" is what Dean had said.

"Well maybe I can bargain with him? You know, I take him and his... People and take them to an uninhabited planet where they can devour as much as they can." The Doctor suggested, only to be met with a look of bewilderment from Dean as Bobby sat at the table, drinking his beer with a look of amusement.

"That's crazy! Dick Roman isn't going to give in that easily. Damnit! Sammy, Bobby, tell him! Tell him he's wrong!" Dean growled, pointing at the timelord.

"Wrong? Your solution is to kill!" The Doctor replied with wide eyes, just as annoyed.

"Um. I think I may know someone who could help..." A small feminine voice squeaked as she gently played with the end of her hair, nervous at the sudden attention.

"He's brilliant," she began, "although a little arrogant and a bit thick headed, but he's clever." She finished, standing up and straightening her business skirt.

"Who?" Sam and Dean asked in unison.

"Sherlock Holmes. Ever heard of him?" She replied with a slight smile.

"Heard of him!? I've read about him! The consulting detective and his loyal companion! Out witting Professor Moriarty! It's quite the story to relate to." The Doctor waffled on.

"Read? How? From Johns blog?" She replied, with a raised eyebrow.

"I-uh - oh of course, yes! From uh, Johns blog." The Doctor answered, stuttering and tripping over his words as he realised, he wasn't in the right universe, where Sherlock Holmes was nothing more than an idea, a character in a series of novels and tv shows.

"Well what are we waiting for! Let's hop into that little box of yours and get ourselves to England!" Dean declared.

"Are we going to fit?" Sam asked as he too stood up to inspect the box, "I think I might be a bit too tall." He stated as he inspected the doors of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

The Doctor, Bobby and his companion shared a knowing look, before the doctor replied, making his way to the doors, key in hand, "Oh I'm pretty sure we'll fit." He said with a smug smile, before inserting the key and pushing the doors wide open and dragging Sam inside.

Bobby and Dean rushing into the T.A.R.D.I.S, with the lovely lady companion following suite.

Sam and Dean stood at the doorway in shock, eyes wide and mouths agape as an inhumane noise which oddly resembled a strangled moose filled the silence in the air.

"It's... It's..." Dean began to stutter as he looked around the console room, Bobby and the Doctor stared at him expectantly.

"Bigger on the inside?!" Sam finished for.him, looking around in amazement. "This... This is amazing!" He continued, carefully making his way to.the core of the T.A.R.D.I.S as Dean remained by the doors, looking slightly pale.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the globe a certain curly haired brunette was rummaging through the belongings of one missing detective; trying to find any trace or evidence of any kind as to where she may have gone to or worse. If Moriarty had a part in her disappearance.

"Sherlock, I think you need to take a break, you've been here everyday for the past week. What's gotten into you?" Lestrade sighed, handing a coffee to a very bored and tired John Watson.

"A break?!" Sherlock cried in astonishment, "a break? Lestrade, she's been missing for two weeks without a trace, the last time I saw her, she was on the verge of tears. Now, are you going to stand there and waste my time or actually do something useful, like bringing me her personal records." Sherlock rounded on Lestrade in haste and annoyance.

Silently, Lestrade store over towards his cabinet and fetched the documents as par Sherlocks request, leaving them on the table, next to a coffee mug that hadn't been used in a week.

"We need to find her." Sherlock said, picking up the file and looking through it.

"There's nothing here that I already don't know!" Sherlock groaned in annoyance as leafed through the pages of the file. "'An average student... Played soccer' Well that's obvious considering the state of her shins; a blind person could mistake it for Braille... Nothing." He sneered throwing the folder in annoyance onto the desk next to him.

"Sherlock..." Began John, but was interrupted by a slight rattling noise, the desks and cabinets were vibrating and the lights over head were flickering on and off.

"What the bloody hell is going on? Is it an Earthquake?" Lestrade gasped in shock as he ducked under the desk, his coffee mug still in hand, with John following suit.

Sherlock only stared at Lestrade and John with the utmost disbelief.

"You two seriously can't be that daft?! We'd be more likely prone to nuclear bombs dropping on our heads than an Earthquake ever hitting England." Sherlock informed with eyes widened.

"Oh jeez, thanks Sherlock for that reassuring assessment." Retorted John, as he held his head.

Sherlock continued to stare around the office in disbelief as he watched everyone else scramble for safety, Donovon and Anderson huddled together under a nearby desk as a slight whirring noise rang throughout.

Raised eyebrows, Sherlock continued to stare at the newly materialized object in front of him.

Before he realized, the door was fling open, with a small, excitede cry of 'Sherlock' and a small figure latched itself to Sherlock.

"Detective..." Sherlock began, but cleared his throat, whispering her name in shock and hugged the woman back.

[Hey hey! Sorry this took a little longer than expected, but here we are!]

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