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Dust flew up around Sasuke's feet as he charged towards Raiden, his hands moving to his side for a kunai. Raiden stood his ground, raising a long, broad dagger in preparation to defend himself from the oncoming projectiles. Sasuke's hand whipped forward, releasing three kunai with smoke bombs attached to the end, and as Raiden deflected them, the air around him filled with smoke. Using Raidens lack of vision, Sasuke channeled chakra to his eyes, activating his sharingan, looking to end the fight before it really got under way.

As the smoke began to clear, a fist flew towards Sasuke's face. It was only thanks to his sharingan that he was able to block it, but even as the fist made contact with his forearm, Raiden's leg whipped out of the smoke, catching Sasuke in the ribs and sending him bouncing across the ground, coming to a rest twenty feet away. He immediately leaped to his feet, adopting a defensive stance. The last wisps of smoke cleared to show Raiden charging forward, his hands flying through seals. At the last seal, he ran his fingers over the blade of his dagger. the blade bekan to glow with a dark purple light, and he slashed through the air with a yell of "Akuma sutairu: Oni no chi Ōgama" (1) and a large arc of light flew like a scythe through the air towards Sasuke. 

Sasuke's eyes widened and he jumped as high as he could to avoid it. The arc continued through the air smashing into the trees at the edge of the training grounds. It wrapped around the first tree that it hit, cutting it so cleanly that the cut was almost invisible, were it not for the faint purple glow coming from it. Sasuke rushed toward Raiden, but was thrown off his feet as the tree behind him detonated in a wash of purple flame. As he practically flew towards Sasuke, Raiden concentrated all the chakra to the soles of his feet in the same manner that ninja use when they walk up trees. The excess of chakra triggered the equivelent of a small explosion under his feet, which he used to direct himself at Sasuke. Flipping over in mid-air, he connected  feet first with Sasuke's chest. The impact of their bodies caused a small shockwave. Raiden repeated his actions, concentrating a large amount of chakra to his feet again. This time, the resulting blast was concentrated on sasuke's chest, sending him through all three posts in the training grounds.

Sasuke got to his feet, flying through hand seals and spitting an enormous ball of flame towards Raiden. Raiden, still flying through the air, tried to twist to avoid it, but Sasuke, having run at top speed, Had been using the ball of flame as a diversion. He threw his fist forward with all the force he could put behind it,punching Raiden as hard as he could and sending him back into the path of the fireball. As the flames wrapped around him, Raiden screamed, "Akuma sutairu: Oni no sekai no kaze(2)"

The flames flared outward, the ball of flame dissipating in a flash of purple light. The light swept across the field with an explosive force, slamming against Sasuke with the force of a charging bull. As the light died down and the dust settled, Raiden stepped out of a small crater his eyes slowly turning from their normal purple color to a bright, haunting silver, reminding Sasuke, horribly, of the way the oonlight had gleamed off Itachi's blade as it swung towards his parents. Kakashi watched fascinated, then with a growing shock, as first one then two purple tomoe appeared in the silver of Raiden's eyes, giving it the appearance of a pale sharingan.

"Damn, I didn't think I would be forced to use this. You're a better fighter than your village's shinobi information indicated." Raiden walked forward, sheathing his dagger and drawing a sword that was obviously part of a matched set with the dagger. "I'll offer you one chance to back down, because this will not be pleasant for you." 

Sasuke, seething with rage at seeing a sick parody of the sharingan, roared in fury, charging the newcomer. He leapt into the air, spinning. his leg whipped out to catch the side of Raiden's head. The sword in Raiden's hand flashed through the air, shallowly piercing Sasuke's leg repeatedly. Sasuke gasped in pain, crumpling to the ground. The point of the blade came to rest just under his chin.

"I win. You might want to visit the hospital. I severed your chakra coils in six different places throughout your leg." Raiden turned, sheathing the blade. "Well, Kakashi? Do you accept me as the replacement?"

Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke all turned to Kakashi, speaking in shocked unison, "Replacement?"

(1) demon style: demon's blood scythe

(2) demon style: wind of the demon world

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