Chapter 6- Dancing and Recognition

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  • Dedicated to All of my awesome readers!!

OK so first off this chapter is dedicated to all of my readers because you are awesome.

SOOOO SORRY!! I totally went MIA on you guys!! I was really busy and even though it killed me I had to push Wattpad aside for a little bit!! So because of that i scrambled to get this done for you all, the next chappie will be better I swear again SOO SORRY!!

So as a present I made this chappie extra long!! enjoy!

Chapter 6- Dancing and Recognition

The Rogue and The Prince



Archers POV

We were all ready to go. I checked my pack one more time before we started to go off on our little 'adventure'. To be completely serious with you I was kind of nervous for the whole ball thing. The last time I had gone to anything remotely fancy, I was eight and it was to go to my cousin Charlotte's wedding and that's not exactly the same thing as a Masquerade ball.

I made sure I had all of my belongings and hopped onto my trusty steed; Rosemary. I was 14 when Ranger took me to pick my first horse out from an allies barn. I remember it like it was only yesterday...


"Come on slow poke," Ranger tugged on my hand to get me to go faster, "hurry up."

"I would if I could SEE," I told him exasperated. HE was the one who put a blindfold on me, so he couldn't complain. He chuckled and kept leading towards a mystery place. He told me that he wanted to get me something special for my birthday. Yes, it was my birthday and I was not in a good mood, because the next day was the 5 year anniversary of my parents death and two days away from the anniversary of King Zander's reign.

Yep, wasn't I just a bundle of joy?

We kept walking and with every step I my patience was slowly deteriorating. I HATED  surprises, ever since a certain jolly surprise on the day after my birthday 5 years ago. My parents had been one of the first to fall in Zander's siege and I hated whenever this time came because it brought back all of those unwanted memories.

"Were here," Ranger sounded ecstatic. I loved Ranger like an older brother just like how he loved me like the little sister I basically was to him. Ever since he had found me he made it his mission to protect and look after me, since he had also become  rogue recently. But that story is for a different time.

"Finally," I breathed, as I began to take off my blindfold. But Ranger had other plans because just as I took the d*mn thing off he put his hand there to replace it. "Ranger what the heck?!"

"Well I don't want you to look yet," he started to walk again. "I said we were here, not that you could look."

I humph-ed and followed his lead to the 'mysterious gift'. I mistakenly took a huge whiff at that particular moment and instantly regretted it. "Why does this place smell like the bottom of a rat infested sewer," I exclaimed but when I drew in my next breath I was left confused, "and... hay?" I finished that last part almost like a question. Then it dawned on me.

Of course!

"Are you ready?" Ranger was clearly excited. I nodded and with that he took his hand off of my eyes and a smile crept onto my face. I looked around me and I saw a stable, with a couple of stalls which held horses and some even held a couple young foals either colts or fillies. Ranger told me to go pick out one of the horses and my first pick was a little scrawny black colt, who was scared of his own shadow.

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