Chapter 15

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Soon, Camden, Dex, Amint, Matalinis, and Somora were on their way to the fourth universe. For Dex and Somora, who were starting to warm up to this whole experience, it meant they were one step closer to freedom. Somora had quit wondering where they would be tomorrow morning, and Dex was no longer so stubborn about leaving this universe. In a way, they had both grown on this journey, but the journey still wasn't over yet. However, they weren't the only ones learning from this. Matalinis was watching his fellow workers, wondering if he had made the right choice; who deserved to be the new Master? Who could handle the pressure?

From previous conversations, Amint knew Matalinis wanted to choose her as the new Master, but Amint had other goals. Amint had always wanted to return to Earth, but such things were impossible if you were already dead. Amint, still hoping to go to Earth someday, had tried pleading her case to the Limbo guardians. It didn't work. As Amint looked around at the rocky caverns, she sighed and wondered if she could persuade Matalinis to make Camden the new Master. As much as Amint hated Camden, she would rather have Camden as the new Master than be Master herself. 

"Are we back in another prehistoric hell-hole?" Dex grumbled. "Oh, no, that's not quite right." First, Dex turned to Somora. "What does that even mean?" he asked. Somora shrugged her shoulders. Next, Dex turned to Camden. 'Why do you always have to be so damned cryptic?" Dex complained. Camden just grinned. "That's for me to know and you to find out." "There she goes, being cryptic again." Dex sighed.

"Where are we?" Somora inquired. 'We are in the Dwarven Islands." Matalinis explained. 'Dwarven Islands? There are no islands here!" Dex scoffed. "Don't anger the locals." Amint whispered to Dex. "Why ? What are they going to do?" Dex groaned. 

"What have ye done?" a loud voice bellowed. "Who was that?" Somora wondered. "That was me." a short man with a black beard bellowed. Somora looked around, confused. 'We didn't do anything; we just said these weren't..." "Don't say it again!" the short man screamed.  "What's the big deal? These really..." The dwarf interrupted Dex in mid-sentence. 'Quit trying to defile my land!" he hissed.

A few hours later, Somora asked Camden why the dwarves were so angry about Dex refusing to call this place an island. Matalinis pulled Somora off to the side. "I'd ask Amint about these things, not Camden. After all, Amint has a fondness for these lands." "Okay," Somora sighed. "Dex! Dex! Wait up!" Somora shouted.

About a month later, Somora found Amint in the nearby village. "This is an island, right?" Somora questioned shyly. "Come. You shall see." Amint whispered. Somora, unaccustomed to Amint's hushed and mysterious voice, did not immediately follow her guide along the path. After walking a few feet, Amint realized Somora wasn't following her. "Hurry up! You're going to miss it!" Amint yelled to Somora. "... Miss what?" Somora wondered in the back of her mind. When Somora reached the edge of the pathway, what she saw left her speechless. 

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