Chapter 11

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"We are from a far-away place." Matalinis began. "I think we figured that out by now." Jake snorted. "Anyway, Camden continued, you may have heard of this place." The confused people took turns guessing. "Heaven? Hell? Cambodia?" Amint just laughed. "No, but you're close. We live in Limbo." Dex growled and huffed. "What the hell? Limbo? This is so stupid!" "No, Camden interjected, this is not stupid. I wish you'd all look at this as an adventure." "Camden is right." Matalinis replied. "The three of you are surrounded by sand and water. This is a marvelous opportunity to explore this historical era." 

"Well, excuse us if we aren't thrilled to be here." Somora hissed. "We have families at home and jobs we need to be at every day." "This is true." Matalinis sighed. "However, I believe we have found a solution to this particular problem. Amint, open the portal." 

Suddenly, a clear invisible layer appeared before them. "We're saved!" Jake cried as he ran towards the portal. "Um, your portal is made out of Plexiglas. In our world, we call that a mirror. Just then, Somora, Dex, and Jake saw perfect versions of themselves going about their ordinary lives. "YOU REPLACED US!" Somora screamed. "I prefer the term 'substituted'", Matalinis soothed. "Okay, fine. Jake said reluctantly. "Then, how do we get out of here?" "Simple," Camden whispered, "you get eaten by a dinosaur." "Wait. On the way here, you said stay away from those creatures. Now, you're telling us that we're not going anywhere unless we get eaten?" Somora gaped. "Guess what? I lied." Camden responded in a chilled voice. 

"Okay," the mortals shouted, "here goes nothing."

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