Chapter 12

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"Oh my god, I'm starving." "Come on, Somora, you're not the only one who's starving here." "Somora! Jake! Look! There are some eggs up there; If we could just find a way to reach them, we could get out of here!" "...And end up where? Maybe we'll see the end of the world and get killed.We're not in charge of this little carnival ride, remember?" "Somora's right." Jake sighed. "Well, I don't care. I'm hungry, I see food, and I'm going to eat it." "Fine. Your loss." Somora quipped.

"Hey, where's Dex?" "He didn't!" "He didn't what?" "He didn't go after that dragon egg." "Well, this is a good thing." "Good. How is this good?!" 

Remember what Camden said about only being able to leave this place if something bad happened?" "Oh, yeah. If Dex gets eaten, he'll just beat us to the next place." "Exactly." "Great, so how do we get out of here?"

"Well, said one of the Interveners, "you could always try to find your sense of adventure." No way. I am not getting eaten by anything." "...Or you could just ask me to take you somewhere else." "Wait. You mean nothing bad has to happen to us? Really? Because Camden said..." "Haven't you figured it out by now? Camden lies."

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