Chapter 6

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The following week, Matalinis was on his way to Europe. First, he had to pass through airport security, and he was having a difficult time getting past the guards. By the time Matalinis was finished, he had given up his collection of metal buttons, his necklace, and he almost had to give up his car keys.

When Matalinis was boarding the plane, he noticed an unmistakable flash of bright orange hair. "Amint! What the hell are you doing here?" "Oh, I'm going to a henna workshop. Somora asked me if I wanted to come." "Okay, great." Then, in a whisper, Matalinis asked: "Have you convinced her yet?" "No, I haven't convinced her yet." Amint whispered back. "Why not?" he questioned. "I haven't convinced Somora yet because I'm still undercover." Matalinis took a few minutes to absorb this information. Well, he thought, as long as she's doing her job, I guess there isn't a problem.

As soon as Camden walked in the door of Dex's apartment, she heard the sound of feline caterwauling. Oh, this is just great, Camden thought, my charge has a charge of his own. "Hello,miss. What did you say your name was again? "Oh, my name. My name is Camden. By the way, don't you have a girlfriend?" "Yes, her name is Somora. Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" "Yes, I'm one of the workers at the local animal shelter." " oh, that's wonderful. I'm just a volunteer, but I do my part." "Actually, I'm here on behalf of the shelter.We have a complimentary program for new adopters. It covers information about food, various illnesses, and veterinary care. You'll also receive coupons, free of charge." "I'm not sure about this, Camden." "Trust me; you'll love it."

By this time, Matalinis, Jake, Somora, and Amint had arrived at their hotel room. As requested, Amint and Matalinis would be sharing a room. Later the same night, Camden called them on a payphone. "So, my child, what were you able to gather?" "Matalinis, it seems we've hit another snag." Oh, what snag?" "It turns out Dex has a charge of his own." "What do you mean?" "Dex has a pet." "Ah, I believe Amint can help with this little problem." "Camden, this is Amint. If he has a pet, then offer to pet sit for him. It's the only way." "I don't know about this, guys." "No worries, Camden." 

During the early evening hours, Camden returned to Dex's house. "Hi, it's Camden, right?" "Yeah, it's Camden. Listen, Dex, I have a proposition for you." "Oh? Anything for a pretty girl such as yourself." "Great, so here's what I was thinking: If you ever needed to go away somewhere, I would watch your cat for you. That way, everything would be covered." "Yeah, that's a great idea!" "I'm glad you agree." 

Somora wasn't sure about letting Amint come to the henna workshop, but in the end, the young girl had so many questions that she relented. After all, the old man said Amint had something important to tell her. Now, if only she knew what this important thing could be? 

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