Chapter 9

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"Now what are going to do?" Camden groaned. Matalinis sighed as he replied: " I don't know, but you are in big trouble, young lady." Camden just rolled her eyes and huffed "So, what else is new?" Meanwhile, Amint was gleaming as Dex descended the staircase. 

Just then, the doorbell rang on Dex's front porch. "Ah, my friends are finally here"  Dex chirped as he opened the front door where Jake and Somora now stood. "Are you having a party?" Somora ventured when she noticed the other people standing in the hallway. "Oh, no, they showed up unexpectedly" Dex replied nonchalantly.

While Matalinis began to clear his throat, Dex's cat, Vana stepped into the hallway where this conversation was being held. "Now that we're all here, I feel I should be honest about our reason for coming here today" Matalinis began. All eyes were focused intently on this elderly man. "We come here today to tell all three of you about your gift." "Gift?," the three friends yelled simultaneously. "Yes, gift" Matalinis sighed.

Jake was the first person to step forward. "Sir, Jake volunteered, 'how can we possibly have a gift? We're just three ordinary people. We have no special abilities."  "Ah, Matalinis countered, "this is what you say now, but you have been mistaken for the last time."

With this, there was a swirl of wind, and the three friends, their pet, and the interveners themselves were taken away to a distant universe. 

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