Chapter 10

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When Dex woke up the next morning, he realized he was no longer in his comfortable home. Surprisingly, the three strangers who brought him here were already awake, although they were covered by the early morning fog. Dex was also aware his cat, Vana, had inadvertently arrived on this journey. "Well, kitty, " Dex mumbled, let's find you some food.

Around ten A.M., after all the fog had cleared away, Jake and Somora were finally awake. Somora yawned and rubbed sleepers out of her blurry eyes, hoping to find a familiar glimpse of the people who brought her to this old, muddy, and prehistoric place.

However, Jake and Somora didn't recognize the forms floating before them. Instead, they were shocked and amazed by these figures. Instead of Amint's red shirt, denim jeans and bright orange hair, she was wearing a gold robe, she had flames in place of her hands, and long hair as red as molten lava. Camden was no longer wearing her green shirt and denim jeans, and her hair was no no longer platinum blond. In its place were smooth, jagged crystal spikes, as cold as ice. In addition, her hands were also made of cool, watery ice. Her whole form was draped in a glittery ice blue gown. Matalinis had the most drastic transformation. Where his stubs used to be were hands made of all four elements; Instead of an electric yellow shirt and yellow slacks, he was wearing a silver robe, and his hair was no longer gray, but woven into fine white cotton.

"Ghosts!" Somora gasped. "You're not people; you're ghosts!" Dex and Jake looked around, confused. "Ghosts?You mean you led us on and let us believe we could trust you?" Dex bellowed. "No, Matalins smiled reassuringly, we are not ghosts. Allow us to explain." "Right, because you've done such a great job up till now." Jake fumed. "Please, Matalinis repeated, allow us to explain."

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