When your on your period

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Jason: Jason stays with you snuggling up to you and planting kisses all over you. He tries to make you happy and tries to make you laugh.
Toby: he tries to stay with you, but he is always at work. He comes in between shifts to make sure you are okay.
Caleb: Caleb gets you everything you want and need like food, drinks, pads and tampons. You watch tv all day together.
Ezra: Ezra also gets you everything but also is in work, he texts you all day. But he never goes to your house just incase your mum and dad are home.
Lucas: he stays by your side through everything. He just wants you to be happy so he will do anything with you.

Sorry I haven't been posting recently. I have been very busy😒 hope you are enjoying the preferences❤️ if you have any requests, I will except all✌🏻️

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