Percy and Annabeth: All Grown Up

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She motions for us to sit and we do in tinny chairs in front of a large circular desk with a space for the teacher in the middle. "Lily will you tell your parents what you told me at recess?" She slowly nods but sits quietly in her seat beside Annabeth. "Sweetie you can tell us anything, and it must be important or Miss Jane wouldn't have asked us to come down here...will you please tell us baby?" She looks up and her Hazel eyes fill with tears, they go from a brown gray to a bright seaweed green. She shakes her head and covers her eyes and begins to weep like children shouldn't. I get up and kneel her down in front of her, I give her a tight hug and tell her that we will believe anything she has to say, because if something is trying to hurt her me and mommy will kill it. She slowly nods and looks up at Annabeth and I.

"I was playing with my friends." Annabeth raises an eyebrow and then looks at Miss Jane. "What's wrong with her playing with her friend?" Miss Jane tries to get Lily to say more but she won't and starts crying after Miss Jane raises her voice. Annabeth takes her out of the room and waits with her in the hall while I talk to Miss Jane.

"She wasn't playing with anyone. She said she was playing with a girl and boy, but they weren't there. We were worried and thought you should know." Miss Jane explains.

"Well, who did she say that they were?" I ask.

"Someone named Charlie and Silena." I shake my head and laugh, No the only Charlie and Silena that I've ever meet are long gone, she couldn't even know about them I think to myself. It's just a coincidence.

A few years later, around the time Lily was seven, Nico came to visit. We were joking around and talking and the topic of Ghosts come up, and I can't help but think about all the incidents that had happened since Lily had been born. "Nico can there be ghosts, and if there were would you be able to tell?" He looks at me confused and shrugs, "Yeah I guess I could, theoretical. I've seen plenty of them at Camp, both actually, so I wouldn't be surprised." He looks up at me and suddenly all I can think about is all the incidents that had happened since Lily had been born. Then when Annabeth had had Lily's little brother she had said the oddest thing, "Hello again, don't worry she'll be back soon Auntie said it's only a few more months." We don't ask her what she was talking about, but it worries Annabeth to all extremes because Piper had called the night before saying that she was pregnant. 

Nico asks why, and I just pull him up to Lily's room, I tell him to check around the room and Nico shakes his head standing in the door way, "I don't need to." I ask what he means and he points to Lily's bed where she sleeps soundly. Lily's lamp clatters to the floor and Nico walks in. He makes the creepiest face I've ever seen and grabs his sword from his back, I hadn't noticed him wearing it but currently I was glad he had. He tells me to get Lily and when I do I see something glowing from the corner of my eye. I swallow hard and bring Lily down stairs giving her to Annabeth. Heading back upstairs I look at Nico who stands in the same spot. "Nico?" He turns and his face is ashen, he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room and shuts the door behind him. 

He doesn't say a word but heads down stairs to where Annabeth sits with Lily in her lap and Piper and Jason sitting at the table with her. Nico quickly grabs Lily and puts her on his hip, and then he is gone. Annabeth looks at me her eyes wide with worry, she starts asking whats going on and I can't answer her. Jason and Piper are just as confused but Piper being the most sensible pulls out her dagger, from her purse since her belly is now to big to have a belt on. Looking into the dagger she frowns then her eyes slowly expand to saucers.

Annabeth grabs the dagger from her and watches a scene then hands it to me, Nico is holding Lily in a dark scene with their hair being thrown almost off their skulls. Their shadow traveling. I watch as the scene changes again and they are now in a familiar cabin with green torches burning on the inside.

"There at the Hades cabin at camp." I say handing Piper back the dagger I grab my coat and car keys and tell Annabeth I'll be back soon. I get in the car and drive like a maniac all the way to camp half blood. 


When I shadow travel to the Hades cabin I know I only have a few minutes before Percy is there to kick my butt for sort of kidnapping his kid, but I had to know what I saw was what Lily was seeing.

"Hey, Lily tell me whats in your room when you are sleeping and it's dark." She begins to shake her head but I shake mine. She stares at me confused but I continue to shake my head. Slowly she starts to nod her head and I smile. "Okay, good now please tell me who is it that you see?" She sighs and the little seven year old sits down and stares at me, "You won't believe me."

"Will too." I retort.

She looks up and sighs again, "I see Mommy's friend, he said he was Mommy's friend. His name is Luke and he wants to help keep me safe, he says that he is sorry and that he is sad. He says that he did bad stuff and hated Daddy, but now he is sorry and wants to make up for it by keeping me safe, but sometimes the other guy comes." I nod and motion for her to continue.

"Who is the bad guy?" She struggles for the word then seems to have it, then sighs again, "It's great grandpa. He says that Daddy has to pay for killing him, and that it wasn't right. That Mommy and Daddy killed him and that I had to go with him so Mommy and Daddy won't get hurt, and sometimes he comes with me to school, but then no one believes me that he's there and laughs saying that he's going to hurt me if I tell anyone. He said he was going to hurt anyone I told too, Uncle Nico I don't want you to get hurt!" She grabs onto my shirt and holds me tight crying saying that she is sorry, but I hug her tightly saying it's not her fault.

A/N: So yeah that was really long and kinda weird and probably confusing but yeah hopefully a little unnerving Thank you for reading and sorry again for this really long weird (possibly) creepy chapter.

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