Wake me up when september ends

Start from the beginning

Landon's pov

I cant believe my ears. The doctor just said that my son has cancer. How can that happen? Billy is the healthiest kid i know. He was always active and ate propperly. He never stayed up late or do anything to get sick. But how? How! Can the doctor just say that my son has cancer. Maybe the test are incorrect or the doctor got someone elses test result by mistake. I kept trying to find possible reasons to why the doctor would say that, but in the end i just had ti accept it. Billy already broke down in tears and his friends were trying to comfort him, as for me i just stared at the docto in shock. I then stood up and walked out of the room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called my wife.

Martha's pov

I was currently in italy trying to get a buisness deal with one of the big companies there so that we may sell our products. I was in the hotel room at that time doing some paper work. I am a bit homesick, i mean i am almost bever at home with my kid or husband and i constantly go places for my job. I kinda wished it was me at home taking care of Billy instead of Landon, but I'm the one who got the masters degree between the both of us. My phone then started ringing and i looked at the caller i.d to see that it was landon." Hey honey how are you and Billy doing?" I asked." Not so good" Landon said with a shaky voice.      " Honey what's wrong? Did something happen? Are you ok? Is Billy ok?" I asked franticly." Honey you may want to sit down before i tell you the news." Landon said." Landon please tell me what's going on. I need to know if everything is okay." I said at the brink of crying." Well Billy was playing soccer with his friends then he suddenly collapsed. We brought him here to the hospital and the doctor did a few test on him to see if they could find the reason to why he collapsed.  The test rusults came back and the doctor said that Billy has cancer." Landon said as i heard him sobbing on the phone. When i heard the news i just ended the call and started rocking back and forth. I cant believe my son has cancer. Out of all of the people in the wirld who could have gotten it it was my son who got it. How could this happen? I just burst into tears right there and i couldnt stop. I made up my mind that i would go home immediatley to spend more time with my son if it was the last thing i do.

Billy's pov

It's been a few weeks since mom came home. She called her boss and asked if she could work at home and he said yes. Mom was really fun to hang around with. She would bake cookies and tell us crazy stories about her trip. It help distract me from the thought of cancer until i started to take the treatment.

It's been a few months since i began the treatment and all of my hair has fallen out. My friends have been kind enough to help teach me about what i missed in school so that i wouldnt be behind. They even bring test papers to my house so that i wont have to take so many test when i go back to school, but they still tease me sometimes with name like " egg head", " snow globe" and other goofy names. I admit it was fun having them around, but i miss being able to go outside and play soccer with them. I cant even play with my team mates since i cant do to much physical activities. The coach was kind enough not to kick me off the team and kept my spot open just incase i was well enough to play.

It's been a few more months since my treatment started and i still feel weak. My friends still come over to help me with my studies, which is extremely kind of them since they just did this without anyone asking them to. I am currently in a hospital room. The doctor said that it would be for the best to have in the hospital so that they can keep a close eye on me. Mom and dad came into today and told me that they had a big anouncement. They were pregnant. I coudnt believe it. I was so ecxited to see if it was going to be a girl or a boy.

Its been a year since the treatment and i dont feel the doctor said that i might not make it by the end of the year. The teachers were kind enough to let me take the test in the hospital granted that someone was wayching to make sure i wasnt cheating. They didnt want to hold me back and just let all my other friends move up without me so here i am now in grade 8. My mom also gave birth to a baby girl. They decided to name her lily after my late grandmother lillian. I was a proud big brother.

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