Chapter 51: I'm Gay

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"Alright everyone, I'd like to start this meeting out by congratulating Delilah...she's got a little one on the way" Julie announces to the group and they clap and I blush a little.

"How far along are you?" Roger asks.

"Not sure, I'll find out on Tuesday" I shrug.

"Congrats" he pats my arm and I smile.

"Alright, that being said...Delilah has agreed to do as much promotion as possible before the baby is born so that means for the next 9 months we are going to be busy as hell. First off, Delilah has agreed to do a month tour for the month July, her husband will be coming along with us...then in August she's going to a few schools to talk about the book and things like that. In September she will be doing a few book signings in New York and a couple interviews. We will go from there" Julie explains. "The tour starts on the first of July"

"That's super soon" I sigh. "That's the day after my ultrasound"

"It'll be okay Delilah" Roger assures me.

"Who's all going?" Brain asks, leaning into her. He's my main security guard, he goes with me everywhere except my house and stuff. I don't think I need one, I'm an author not a rockstar but they say its to be safe.

"Delilah, Brendon, you, me, the rest of security- Zack , Dale and Nick, Roger the catering people-Lily, Diana and Ross, wardrobe and makeup" Julie tells them. I don't know why I need wardrobe I can pick out my own outfits, I'm not a child but again, I have to go with it.

"We will have three buses which, the design for those are done. I'll show you them later. The main bus will be Delilah, Brendon, me and Brian. The second bus will include Zack, Dale and Nick and Roger. The other bus will be catering, wardrobe and makeup. I look over at Roger who rolls his eyes, he hates the other security guys. Now he has to spend a month with them.

Roger and I are super close, he's an agent from the publishing company they had come with us for promotion. We are always hanging out when we're on tour or meet and greets and signings. He's pretty young for his profession, he's Brendon's age...he's super cool and caring for me. We first started talking back when Julie took me out for dinner on the day the book was printed. He came with and we really hit it off. After dinner he took me out and we got ice cream together. Then we got a couple beers and I went home. He's been supportive through this whole thing and I really appreciate him for that. He's super cute too, I love Brendon but if I would have met Roger before Brendon I would have dated him.

"Delilah?" Roger asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah" I turn to him.

"You've been gone for a while, where did you go?" He asks with a laugh.

"Just thinking" I shrug. He nods and turns back to the group.

"I suppose that's it, see you all on the first. If you aren't here by 8 am, you're staying here" Julie tells everyone and we all get up to leave.

"Delilah" Roger catches up to me once were outside.

"Yeah?" I ask turning to him.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime, you know" he shrugs stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Sure. How about now?" I ask and he nods. We get in his car and drive off.

"So, how excited are you to be having a baby?" He asks.

"So happy Roger, Brendon and I have have been thinking about it for so long and now that's it's happening...I don't know" I smile really big and look down at my flat stomach.

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