Chapter 11 - Apologies

Start from the beginning

He laughed. It had been almost a week since the fight and Jonathan's eye was now in the purple-black stage.

"Nah... It doesn't hurt. I won't lie, they got me good though."

There was an awkward silence.

"Look Sophia... I'm really sorry about what hap-"

"It's okay. It's cool."

"No, it's not okay. Honestly I hate that it happened in your house."

I heard a beeping in the distance. Jonathan asked me to take a seat at the dinning table, that the oven was alerting him that dinner was ready.

I sat down, and my belly grumbled, I think from a mixture of nerves and hunger. Jonathan soon appeared with two covered plates and placed them on the table.

"Dinner has been served. I hope you're hungry and I hope you like it."

"Thank you."
I lifted the lid and the aroma that assaulted my nose, made me melt in my chair. My mouth watered.

"Wow, this looks amazing Jonathan!"
He had served some plain white rice with grilled salmon and a sweet chilli sauce. There was also a bowl of salad. I couldn't tell you all the ingredients he used. But the presentation was impeccable. I almost didn't want to eat.

I grabbed my knife and fork, and sliced my salmon, which fell apart succulently onto my fork, I scooped some rice and the sauce and put it in my mouth.

"Mmmmm...." I closed my eyes and moaned.

When I opened my eyes, Jonathan had his fork paused mid-way to his mouth, staring at me.

I chewed my food, "sorry" I smiled cautiously.

"I just had some very inappropriate thoughts about you" Jonathan admitted.

I laughed. "It tastes so good. If I go in your kitchen and find out you bought this, I'm chopping your fingers off." I teased.

He held up his hand and crossed his heart, "I promise, I slaved away in the kitchen. I wanted to impress you. I hoped you would like it."

"I think it's very obvious I do"

"So what's the deal with you and your ex anyway, I don't really want to intrude on..."

I put my cutlery down, and sipped some wine. "Well, that didn't last long. Serious talk already?"

"I'm sorry to put a damper on the mood, I just want to know where I stand you know."

"Jonathan, I am single. Unattached. Alone. Whatever you wanna call it. If you would have let me explain the other day then maybe things wouldn't have got physical. I can't promise that I won't bump into exes, and I don't want any type of relationship with anyone who thinks they need to punch all my exes in their faces."

"If I remember correctly I think your ex started it. I finished it."

"How mature of you?"

He extended his hand out to me, "Look Sophia, I really don't want to fight with you. I really, really like you. I just wanna be sure, you're not still into your ex." He held my hands and looked into my eyes.

I smiled. "So! Have you got any rubber gloves, I'm quite good at washing up", I volunteered.

"Of course, there's some in the kitchen. I've got to make sure I put you to work."

I laughed. "Dammit, I thought you was going to turn down my offer."

He laughed, "I would never turn down anything you offered," he then winked at me.

I mocked gagging.

"Too cheesy? You should be careful when you do that, it could be misinterpreted for a a sexual act." He saw my mock horror and held his belly whilst he bent over laughing.

"You're sick." I announced.

As we washed the dishes, we continued our back and forth of banter and sexual innuendos. So much so, that we were definitely in the flirting zone. After tidying up we decided to settle in on Jonathan's couch to watch a movie. He even let me pick the film.

We were cuddling on the couch, laughing at the scenes in the film, or so I thought. Every so often, I would look up to catch Jonathan staring at me. It became so frequent that, on the last occasion, I turned and he was just right there. He looked me in my eyes and it was like he was trying to reach into my soul. Then his eyes drifted to my lips that had separated on a breath. Then he looked back up to my eyes. I can't remember who moved in first. But he moved his hand to the back of my neck, and at first they were soft butterfly kisses. Light brushes on my lips. It was like he was testing the waters. Then I think I moaned and that was all the encouragement Jonathan needed. He took it there. Sensually kissing me, and guiding me to lean back on his couch, the film now background noise. I caressed his cheek as his lips travelled from my mouth to explore other places. He was now laying in between my legs, and I could feel how much he wanted to take this to the next step.

"Are you seeing other people?" I don't know why, but I knew we needed to stop. And I needed to put a damper on this whole scenario. My question had the desired effect of someone throwing ice cold water on Jonathan, if his face expression was anything to go by.

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