Chapter 2

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[Alicia´s POV(first person)]
I was just spending a nice afternoon with some friends and my stepbrother outside hanging when suddenly that highly pregnant, blond beauty with a toddler on her arm ran towards me and started making out with me, I suddenly had this feeling in my stomach, was that love? Why did I suddenly have these feelings? Why did I have these feelings with a woman? What was wrong with me? Am I gay? I felt the girl pulling away and mumbering something I didn´t pay attention to. Then I noticed the kid, he was snuggeled against my chest chest and didn´t let go of my right boob and was just wailing "Mama,Mama" into it. Of course this perfect moment was disturbed by Chris. Can´ t he just shut the f**k up?! When the words "Can we talk in private" left my lips it felt like a deja-vu. I saw the girl´s face lighten up more, if that was even possible. Then the blonde answered "I´d love to. But can you carry our son, it´s quite hard for me lately and he surely doesn´t want to let go of you." I took him into my arms like it was the most naturally thing ever. Then my mind started flipping 'our son´ 'Mama´. I led them towards a bench just around the corner, when all the questions just started to bubble out of me " Why did you kiss me? Who are you? Who´s that kid? Why did he call me 'Mama´? " I stopped as i saw how shattered she was. it was like some kind of imaginary bubble burst inside her and she started crying. I tried to comfort her, but didn´t knew how to do so, so I just padded her knee. She wiped her tears away, sat up straight, cleared her throat and started apologizing and explaining "I´m so sorry. I was so rude. You must be really disturbed and be thinking I´m crazy. When I saw you I completely forgot that the healers said, if I would ever find you, you´d have a really bad amnestia. I think I really need to explain a few things. My full name is Clarke Griffin kom Skaikru en Trikru Hedatu en Wanheda, I know you under the name Leksa kom Trikru en Skaikru Wanhedatu en Heda, but our friends just call us Clarke and Lexa. We´ve been married for a little bit over two years. This is our son Aden, who was carried out by you, and I´m currently pregnant with our second baby." She patted her belly with her hand while smiling towards it "I know this has to be hard but I don´t expect you to act on it or to be there for us, I just wanted to let you know." She turned her head towards her son, our son, who was still on my lap "Come, Aden. Be a good boy for Mommy. You know you have to be careful with me ´cause of the baby in my belly." He sighed, hugged me long, gave me a kiss on my cheek and said "Mama, ai hod yu in" I suddenly had a flashback of spending time just with Clarke, me being pregnant and sharing the experience of parenthood with her. I was so drifted into these memories, that I didn´t noticehim getting of my lap, putting his hand in his Mommy´s and walking away with her.

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