The End Is Near

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okay shameless self promo- go check out my Tyler Posey fic, Toothbrush. I've been wanting to post it for a while, but I was so nervous. It's my first celeb fic, and I hope you guys like it! Comment below if you want your username in it-

and check out my Stiles fic, Castle

also, I think I might change Aspen's face claim? Again? I love Chloe, but idk it's just not working anymore. I was thinking Dove Cameron maybe? Idk any suggestions?


Aspen couldn't stop thinking about him.

The way his eyes shone in the morning, when the sun had just risen, and they were sitting on his porch, curled into one another on the swing, watching the dew glitter as the sun hit it, ricocheting across the yard. She couldn't get the thought out of her head, of his long, tan fingers running over her own smooth skin, leaving blazing trails behind.

She loved the way his mother called him "Li" when she was trying to be extra sweet, or (mainly) trying to embarrass him in front of her. Aspen couldn't ever imagine herself calling him that. It would make her feel too... weird. It would always be Liam.

But somehow, this time, it wasn't.

"This looks really bad," she whispered shakily, running her fingers across the gash on his chest. His skin was smooth and soft under her fingers. It sent shivers through her body. Why was she reacting like this to him?

Theo grimaced, his hand resting on her waist as he propped himself up. The fight with The Beast, Mason, whoever, hadn't gone very well for him. Scott and Liam left him there, hurt, but Aspen couldn't bring herself to leave him there. No matter what he had done, no one deserved to die like that.

"I'll be fine," he grumbled quietly, swallowing hard, letting his head hit the concrete stairs behind him. Aspen looked at him through concerned eyes. She began to stand, moving from the place where she kneeled beside him, curling her hair behind her ear, smearing his blood into it as she did so. "I'm gonna call Tracy-"

Theo gripped her hand. "No. Just... Stay." Aspen stared at him, then at the crusted blood on her fingers. They shook uncontrollably. Why was she shaking so bad?

Aspen nodded reluctantly, putting her cracked phone back into her pocket. She swallowed and opened his shirt wider, inspecting the wound carefully. Why was she helping him?

"Let me heal you," she pleaded, her fingers dancing around the mangled skin. His calloused hand reached for hers, encasing her wrist softly. "No, I'll heal on my own." Aspen sighed.

"Then let me call Tracy," she begged, "Or Scott. Someone who can help you." Theo's bloodied hand lifted to Aspen's cheek, his thumb running across it. Aspen tensed underneath his feverish hands.

"Only you can help me, Aspen," Theo whispered, bringing her face closer. Her blue eyes were wide, flicking from his mouth to his eyes. Their green flecks sparkled.

Theo took a breath. He could end it all now. He had already killed Tracy, and now he could feel her power running through his veins. He knew that Aspen's good heart wouldn't allow her to leave him for dead, and she hadn't. All he had to do to have enough power to defeat The Beast was kill Aspen. She would never see it coming. One flick of his wrist and she'd be dead.

Something was stopping him, though. Maybe it was her eyes. Maybe her skin, or the little freckle on her jaw, close to her ear. Theo found himself struggling to do it.

"Aspen, I-"

The ringing of her phone stopped him, and she seemed to snap out of it. His hand fell into his lap, groaning, as she moved away, answering the call. It was Stiles.

Everything Has Changed [LIAM DUNBAR] #2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant