Do it for Me

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There were times when Liam was incredibly smart, and times when he wasn't.

This was one of those "Stupid Liam" moments.

Stumbling slightly, Aspen and Stiles dragged a moaning Liam down the school hall, which has now become a shelter against the Beast, with Hayden trailing hurriedly behind.

They entered a classroom and Stiles screamed, "The desk, desk!"

Hayden swiped her arms across the black surface, Liam crying out again as they lifted him into  it.

Unstoppable tears ran hastily down Aspen's cheeks as he lifted his hand to her hair, gently running his fingers through it, and whispered to her through a grunt, "I-I'm fine.. I'm okay." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and Aspen pressed her lips together, taking his wrist off of her jaw and putting it down at his side. Biting her lip, she held in her tears, starting to rip the already torn and bloody shirt to pieces. Stiles and Hayden made gagging noises when she began to peel away the fabric from the wound.

"What? Is it bad?" Liam asked, trying to sit up. Aspen gently pushed him down.



Hayden and Aspen looked incredulously at Stiles. He shrugged.

"Okay.. Uh.. What do you guys normally do when this happens?" Hayden asked. Stiles blinked, running his tongue over his lips before breathing, "I.. Uh.. I normally pass out.. Still might... Do.. that.." His eyes fluttered. "Stiles!" Hayden yelled gripping his shoulder.

"Okay, okay," Stiles said, wiping his nose, "Can you heal him Aspen?" No response. "Aspen?"

They looked up from Liam's bloody chest to see her wide-eyed with fear, the pound of her heartbeat very audible in Hayden's ears. She had backed away from the table, staring at the blood on her hands, Liam's blood, and her chest heaved with every shaky breath.

"No, no, no," Stiles murmured, "Not now.." Hayden looked at him. "What? What's wrong with her?"

"She's having a panic attack."

Hayden listened to her heart race in her chest, watching as it heaved up and down. "Well how do we stop it?" she asked.

Stiles opened his mouth, then closed it again. "I-I.. She's only ever had one.. And Liam's normally the only one that can do that.."

Hayden moved quickly around the desk and held Aspen's wrists, holding her far-too-cold hands in her own. "Hey, hey," Hayden said, getting the girl's attention, "He's going to be fine, okay? Just breathe."

"Actually," Stiles added, "Not breathing works better." Hayden rolled her eyes slightly and said, "Okay, so hold your breath. You can do that."

Aspen shook her head. "N-no I can't.. I.."

"Don't do it for you," Hayden ordered, "Do it for Liam. Do it for me."

Aspen's eyes locked on her's and she blinked once, twice, before Hayden squeezed her hands gently. Just the fact that Hayden, her best friend, was there was what brought her back to reality. The reality where her boyfriend was dying.

Liam's cries grew louder when she placed her sweaty palms onto his chest and closed her eyes. She waited for the moaning to stop, waited for his skin to magically patch together, but it never came.

"W-why.. It won't work unless he's still," Aspen barked, Liam twisting and turning in agony. "Liam, you need to relax."

Liam didn't seem to hear her, however and continued his squirming and yelling. "H-how do we get him still?" Stiles asked. He looked expectantly at Hayden but she shrugged.

"How would I know?"

"Just grab his feet and I'll-"

Before Stiles could even finish his rushed sentence, Liam had grown limp and was reaching a hand in Aspen's blonde hair as she kissed him. Subconsciously, she placed her palm on his wounds and felt the warm glow as it healed underneath her hands.

When she pulled herself off of him, he was slowly recuperating yet breathing heavily. Stiles blinked in relief.

"Next time I'll kiss him."


Aspen wasn't feeling too well.

Ever since she had healed Liam, not only had her energy been drained, but she had this raging pain in her chest, like fire.

She had no clue if it was a side effect of healing something as serious as Liam's chest or not, but it wasn't good.

Aspen was leaned against the desk, running her hand subconsciously through Liam's hair as he slowly gained his energy back. Hayden watched them intently, and Stiles nibbled nervously on his fingernails.

Liam grunted, shifting on the desk, and he reached for Aspen's hand, lacing his bloodied fingers with her own. His eyes opened to meet her blue ones, Aspen smiling down at him. "You feeling okay?" she asked him.

He shrugged, swallowing. Aspen shook her head at him, smiling. "I can't believe you attacked that thing," she said, "You're a moron."

Liam faked hurt. "You didn't think it was brave?"

Aspen snorted. "It was brave, but also ridiculously stupid. You could've gotten really hurt."

Liam grinned at her, saying, "You'd be there to heal me again anyway. It's no biggie."

Aspen rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead. "Sleep, you loser."

Liam drifted off again after a few minutes and Aspen moved over to Hayden. She looked nervous, biting her lip ferociously. "It's still here, isn't it?" Aspen asked her. Hayden's brown eyes met her's. She nodded.

They stood, silent for another moment before Hayden was met with a bunch of blonde hair in her face as Aspen hugged her. She blinked quickly before hastily curling her arms around her best friend. "Thank you, Hayden," Aspen whispered.

The two broke apart and from the embrace and Aspen glanced at Liam, his eyes closed. She looked back at Hayden. Aspen didn't even have to say anything for Hayden to understand. "Biology classroom," Hayden told her.

Aspen slipped quietly out the door, taking a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to do. She didn't care who it was anymore. It had hurt the one person she cared about more than anyone else, and she definitely wasn't going to sit there and let it hurt anyone else. Aspen wasn't letting anyone else die.

She was either going to kill the Beast or die trying.



Okay Shadowhunters fans~ I want to start a SH FIC but idk if it should be ALEC or SIMON? Like, I really REALLY love both of them but idk idk idkkkkk

Okay so I have this really amazing backstory (well I think it's amazing) and it'd go well with Alec I think but I lOvE SIMONN so MuCh #alberto4life. But bc she's gonna be a werewolf (rEaLlY cOoL bAcKsToRyyyy) but I don't want to do the whole werewolf vamp. love story thing ;-; idk what to do what do you guys think?



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