On The House [16]

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"Where are we?" I asked no one in particular as we reappeared. Adira carelessly let go of me and walked away nonchalantly.

I looked up to see an artificial sky full of stars, the surrounding a pitch black colour.

I was sitting in a theatre chair, third row to be exact, and everyone was scattered around the place.

"The planetarium," said Tazakai.

Adira flipped on the lights.

"We used meet up here whenever we wanted a quiet place to hang out. It's the last place Akira would expect," he explained.

I glanced around the room.

"How did everyone heal?!" Everyone was in perfect shape, even my own wounds gone.

Faith flicked her wrist. "Magic."

White dust particles sprinkled off of her docile fingertips.

She healed everyone?

We all sat in a circle near the planetarium's light that was once streaming the stars.

"Faith and I have been discussing a plan to stop Akira and her father," said Adira. Faith simply nodded, but then said,"It's not finished, but we know how to make it work."

"So you should all stay out of the way. We'll let you all know when we have finished calculating the perfect plot," said Adira coldly.

That was when Takada spoke up. He ran a hand through his red and black hair.

"Things have been insane you guys," he began. "I honestly think we should go out. A night at Balthazar. It's quite close by, and I could use a drink."

Adam nodded. "I'd rather forget everything that happened by flooding my memories with alcohol, Takada. After a bit of drinking we can get serious or whatever," he said.

"How reckless. You guys do realize that the Haruno psychopaths might catch you all again?" Adira shouted.

Takada scoffed at her and she immediately backed down. They weren't acting loving like they had previously.

Adira had a valid point, but a night at the bar while we may be in peril danger sounded great. I wanted to relax.

"Adira and I will pass then," said Faith, trying to calm the tension. "Lots of planning to do."

I saw Takashi frown.

"Just bring us a bottle of wine please. Also, don't do anything stupid," requested Adira.

"Got it," I said to her.

We arrived at the bar and opened the door, the place smelling of spice and pine.

"Isn't it a bit weird that we're going to a bar at a time like this?" asked Katsura.

"Meh, I think we need a break," said Takashi. "We are free after all."

Free for now.

I took a seat at the counter. So did Tazakai and Takada. Takashi leaned on the bar while Adam and Katsura walked over to play pool at the table — both already holding beers. Adam took off his shirt.


Inside of Balthazar, downstairs had a pool table, bar, and dart board. Upstairs on the other hand, had a calming patio. Takada ordered drinks for all of us and the barista acted accordingly.

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