You're Awake [3]

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I cleared my throat and sat down, quickly dusting myself off. That was quite mortifying. I can't lose my composure like that again, especially considering these people could become possible allies in this sick trap. I stood there awkwardly.

Takashi watched Faith as she delicately rubbed his arm. Their tension was stronger than the friction between everyone in this room. She had to be his girlfriend.

Everyone was sitting, leaning against the cold walls, facing inwards. Takashi, Faith, and I remained standing.

The first person I noticed was Katsura, still feeling her black eye. Her straight auburn hair was matted into a bunch. She coughed multiple times, then stared at the ceiling, creepily swaying back and forth.
"I knew it. . .God is not real," she whimpered. She rubbed her chest, disturbingly in the shape of a cross. She giggled, her bow then slowly slipped off of her petite head.

Beside her was another boy, boldly staring at me. He had spiky auburn hair and red eyes that could melt your heart. This boy seemed to have a more lively energy than everyone else. He wore a bright red cowboy scarf around his neck. I couldn't remember his name, but he was always around people. A real social butterfly. He noticed my gaze and shot me a quick wink. God damn it, the embarrassment of being noticed by someone attractive.

My wandering eyes scanned onto the next two people that were cuddling each other. How nice it must have been to have each other's embrace. A ting of jealously flowed through me. The boy hugging the girl on the ground was named Takada. I only knew that because he witnessed the fight between Takashi and I during school, I mean, they were cousins. His hair was red and black. His eyes were a similar colour to mine.

There was a girl resting on his shoulder, and she was sound asleep. She had short cinnamon brown hair and wore glasses. Her face was scrunched; I had a feeling she was having a nightmare. It's quite unfortunate that she'd wake up to nothing different.

I spun around. Behind me stood Faith, Takashi, and Tazakai, who was still sitting.

"Where are we?" I asked with serious concern.

"Yes, because we're supposed to know that," said a foreign voice.

I looked to see that it was the girl who was having a nightmare a few seconds ago. She got off of Takada.

"You were awake?" I said to her. She must have saw everything. I couldn't make out her face but I noticed her bright green eyes. She straightened her black glasses.

"No, I'm sleeping," she said sarcastically. "Your fighting techniques were actually quite mediocre at best. You chose to use your vampire abilities over fighting skill."

So much for making friends.

I faced upwards. Determined, I tried a second attempt at pleading with our abductor.

"I'd rather leave now!" I screamed to the rigid ceiling.

"Got to agree with Takashi. You really don't know when to shut the hell up," rude girl with glasses said once again, her hostile tone was cold as ice.

I shook my head, dismissing her comment.

"It's okay," whispered Katsura innocently as she played with her hands. Her rocking began to slow down a bit, but she wouldn't stay entirely still. I wondered what went down in that mind of hers.

Fatigue began to settle on me. I slopped down and shivered as my exposed back touched the wall due to my criss-cross top.

"I really don't mind being here," said the confident boy with the spiky auburn hair. "I like the company." He proceeded to check out Katsura. She gave him an empty stare. Her eyes were like a blank screen, and that was a definite turn-off. He looked away, regretting the decision to give her the up and down.

"This is stupid," said Takada. He sat up, which caused the rude girl to raise her head as she had been resting on his shoulder for a while. He gave that girl a look only they would understand and she knew right away what to do.

She abruptly stood up. She seemed brittle and tired, but was eventually on her two feet. I took notice to her outfit. She was wearing a black jacket and some ripped jeans. She was pretty, but had a very rough exterior, which made her tough looking. She closed her eyes and slowly faded away.


We all watched in awe. She was most definitely not a human, assuming she had other powers too.

Would she return?

Suddenly, she reappeared and fell from the centre of the room. She looked furious.

"What the damn happened?!" she stomped. She then gave Takada a desperate stare for reassurance.

"Hm, I guess we can't teleport here," said Takada.

The rude girl huffed and sat down.

The next few minutes that passed were so dead silent that you could hear a pin drop. Tazakai began slicing the ground with his katana, the sound echoed, and reminded us that escape was impossible.

Suddenly, we heard a loud interruption, almost like a scream. Everyone in the room winced.

"It's Akira Haruno speaking!"

There was a speaker in the ceiling.

Akira. . .

I remembered her. That petty little snob that had an endless amount of daddy's money.

She kidnapped us? She was the one holding us hostage? For what purpose?

"Hey freaks! Did you miss me...?"

Dear lord.


Akira's Trials [UNDER REVISION]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz