My Children [10]

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Tazakai and I both relaxed our attentive fighting statures.

"Hello my hostages," said the man's deep and condescending voice.

He was definitely Akira's father. Owner of The Haruno Real Estate Company.

His voice boomed through the speakers.

He cleared his throat. "You will refer to me, and only me, as Master Haruno." We all looked at each other, our faces synced up in a scared position.

"You are all my children now. My soldiers, my slaves," he said.

Well that's fucked up.

"Here is what you should all know," he started.

"If you try to escape, you will die."

"If you try to destroy the place, you will die."

"If you plan anything together, you will die."

"If you do ANYTHING to disobey me, I will murder you all. In fact, I will destroy everything that you care about. I know more than you know, children."

Everyone didn't move.

"Why did you take us here?" asked Takada.

"I appreciate your curiosity, demon. You all offer me something special and unique. In fact, I've been studying you all for a long time. I will use all of your abilities, weaponry, and skill in order put this world under my control. I know everything about you all, and it was all thanks to my daughter Akira."

Of course, she attended school with us.

That was when I did something quite brave.

"Where did you take Adam?" I asked the speaker.

"To a place where he'll be treated. He was having a seizure which really put a dip in the plan, but he's much too valuable to discard."

My throat was tight with tears, hoarse from the deep abyss in my stomach. I felt relief that Adam wasn't getting tortured, but the fact that he was separated made me so uneasy.

"I suggest you all do exactly as I say, children," he finished." For now, you are all dismissed. The second trial will proceed tomorrow."


sorry for the short chap!

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