Sweet Like Candy [6]

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I felt like I was trapped in a never ending trance. Maybe it was the salvation, or maybe I was just losing it, but I damn knew well that my mind wasn't in the right place. I heard the fallen angel's voice and he seemed to be calling out. Was Takashi looking for me?

He isn't what I should be concerned about.

What I should've been worrying about was Adam getting dragged away. Who knows who she'll take next?

Although, thinking about it now, why him? I really didn't know Adam too well, exception of the couple of conversations we'd had at the local bar, Balthazar. He didn't strike me as someone who was threatening or someone who'd try to stir the pot — especially considering he knew Akira. Sure, he was confident, but he didn't do anything that I knew of that would make her want to isolate him from the rest of us.

I noticed someone approaching below me.

"Emiko, I-"

I screamed in surprise before Takashi could continue and I tumbled off of the roof. Being broken from the trance sent waves in my brain. The aftershock was quite chaotic.

"Ugh. . ." I moaned.

I felt the ground shake for a second and then see his feet. Takashi sighed then supported my body up. I wondered if he genuinely wanted to help me, or just felt pity. I looked at him, his face a blur. His deep blue eyes were still so piercing, even with my hazy vision.

"I got her," said a familiar voice.

Katsura came up to me and took me into her arms. She was warm and smelled like candy and it was so intoxicating, but in an amazing way. My heart fluttered a bit.

I was so bisexual.

Takashi shrugged and left. As my eyes finally returned to normal, Katsura helped me to the living room where Tazakai and Faith were speaking.

"—That's entirely true," said Faith to Tazakai.

Tazakai sharpened his sword. "Exactly my point. She could possibly be up to something huge if she used all of us."

Katsura sat and rested me onto the couch. I laid my sore head on her delicate shoulder. She was irresistible, her sweet scent was so intense.

Jesus. How hungry was I?

Katsura invited herself into the conversation.

"Woah, woah, wait. She could use all of us?" she asked.

As Tazakai finished perfecting his blade, he slid it carefully back into its sheathe.

"Well, haven't you noticed that all of the students here are either exceptional fighters or have strong non-human abilities?" he asked her.

"I mean, thinking about it now, yes?" said Katsura. She put her index finger to her lip and paused, realizing what he said. "Hold on. I don't understand. Non-human abilities?"

"Yeah, Kat," Faith said, adding in. "For example, Takashi is a fallen angel, Adira and Takada are demons, and Emiko is a vampire. As for myself, I can say I'm pretty nifty at magic."

Katsura nodded. The fact that she didn't seem surprised or affected by learning that information only propelled my suspicion of her.

If Kat was human, it was safe to assume that she could fight. Same goes for Tazakai and Adam.

I coughed a couple of times. Then I tilted my head back uncomfortably.

"What happened to her?" asked Tazakai.

Katsura sighed. "Emi here fell off of the roof."

She rubbed my arm. I somehow felt very safe when she held me.

"—If you fell off of the roof, you should go lay in bed," Faith said, looking directly at me.

"Oh, okay," I said and staggered up. I didn't want to get off of Katsura but I couldn't stay there forever. I stretched and turned. "That makes sense."

As I got upstairs, I began to feel a bit better. My room was just down the clean hall.

That was when he headed toward me. Takashi walked by my figure as if I was transparent. I carefully eased past the boy, accidentally brushing my ponytail against him which made him notice my existence.


"Watch it, Dracula," I heard him say sarcastically.

Curse you, hair. I turned to him and our eyes met. His eyes wouldn't stop penetrating my soul.

"My apologies, treetops," I said, poking at his very tall physic.

"I don't particularly trust vampires, or your sharp tongue," he stated, as if talking about the weather.

I shot him a smile, showing off my fangs.

"Wow, what sharp teeth you have. Too bad you aren't very sharp in terms of—" he tapped his temple.

How dare he call me dim without even talking! Did he know that my father was a well-acclaimed scientist and I had years of personal experience? Of course he didn't, he was judging on how I was acting now. If anything, he can't even judge, because he didn't know me.

That was when I noticed his dark halo begin to appear above his head.

Part fucking two of the fight?
World star maybe?

"Well sweetheart, maybe you wouldn't be so thick-headed if you took that fruit loop off of your head!" I flicked his halo and it shattered it like glass. He crossed his arms, not wanting to summon another one. Sure, he helped me earlier, but he was being a real jerk now.

"I'll suck your blood and rip out your lungs. I'm starving, and I do need the energy," I snapped.

I felt pretty great about my supposed roast, if you could even call my comments 'roasts.'

He tipped his head. "Let's be real, Miss. Hana. It is quite apparent that you've sucked far worse things, more often, than actual blood," he retorted. "I did always see you sneak off to the bathroom with Ty."

Oh hell no.

I was about to lash out at him back until an alarm interrupted us.


Akira's Trials [UNDER REVISION]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz