SA-3: Like The Wind

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Special Act #3: Like The Wind ⭐

After your visit to the top of the hill, the 'tour guide' headed towards his 'assistant' for some help. In other words, Steven had gone over to his father, and asked him to drive towards another location.

The small visit to view the moss flowers had taken more than two hours, and there was only less than an hour before the sun began to turn in its shift for the day.

You were currently at the young boy's home-- a place which he insisted you had to see before you returned back home. First, he began telling you about the many people he'd met and shared adventures with on this very location.

From starting with a topic as simple as meeting his friend Connie, and ending with a young man creating conspiracy theories about this area's true history, you wondered over just what events had taken place here. The more time you spent with Steven, the more you began to believe there was more than what your eyes were seeing.

Now that the sun was almost gone, and everyone was beginning to gather up at a nearby picnic table, you centered your attention on your job-- your current task in hand. You inspected your surroundings, whilst Steven waited patiently by your side.

"Are you certain this is okay? I mean, it is your home and all. . ." you interrogated, facing the scenery that had quickly caught your attention once you'd arrived.

"Yeah! Ronaldo takes pictures all the time, and even posts them on his blog. . . So it's fine!"

"Well, I can see why. . . This statue is simply breathtaking!" you exclaimed, taking another look at the home in front of you. "And thank you for having me here."

With caution, you lifted the camera, and angled it close to center of the large, stone statue protecting the home in two of its many, crumbling hands. You waited for the young boy's final approval over your actions, and for the strong, evening sunlight to lessen lightly.

Finally, after much worrying and angle-searching, you took a shot of the lovely, carved figure of what you assumed was a mythical type of giant warrior-woman. As much as this monument before your awestruck eyes had interested you, this was undoubtedly their humble home, and according to your boss's proclaims, that was a path you should and would never cross-- which you agreed with.

On your very first assignment, which had been to Hawaii, you'd taken various pictures of your family's very own tropical garden. Even though these were property of your secondary relatives, your boss had given you a lecture about this matter, and ever since then, you thought thrice when taking action during your travels. 

"Do you want to join us?" a friendly voice called, thus snapping you away from your thoughts. 

Looking towards the voice, you spotted Greg standing right next to the picnic table, with Steven now by his side. The man had an inviting smile over his face, whereas the group of five women were already seated down.

They were all currently speaking with one another. Peridot was sharing with Lapis her thoughts about a TV show the two seemingly shared an interest in, whilst Amethyst was making a rather strange bet with Pearl, which revolved around her drinking a can of juice-- without grimacing or spitting it out.

On a similar note, Garnet had given another bet for the pale, copper-haired woman to take. She'd challenged her to ask someone out. This one, even though you'd failed to hear just who was she to ask, was much more understandable to your ears-- unlike the one about juice.

You immediately took a glance towards the now dark-orange sky, and decided it was time to politely decline their kindness. It was getting late, and you were still to write approximately three-thousand words involving the current places you'd already visited.

Considering there were only two days left, and you had yet to accomplish many things, there wasn't much time to loiter about.

"I apologize, but. . . I'll have to take my leave now. There's other places I have yet to visit, and I don't wish to intrude any longer."

"Well, alright. It's a shame we couldn't show you more places, but. . ." the man took a pause, as he shifted his eyes towards the table, and reached out for a box on top of it. "Here. At least, let me give you this."

Greg handed you over a white box made out of thin cardboard. It was as big as both your palms together, and once you took it in your hands, you noticed the great weigh of it. You carefully held it with one hand, as you prepared to give out your farewells.

"Goodbye!" you called, with some hesitation. "I had a wonderful time!"

As you waved at the friendly group, you could feel your chest become heavy. In just a couple of hours shared together, you'd grown fond of them, and you wished these hours had been longer. Your stay at Beach City was going by as fast as a gust of wind, hence why you were attempting to cherish these moments as much as it was possible.

⭐ End of Special Act #3 ⭐

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