Act 5: Your Acquaintanceship

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You took a glance at the handmade business card your hand held, and afterwards, looked at the building in front of you. A colorful, elephant-shaped sign with the words 'It's a Wash' was placed above the entrance, and next to the building stood the young boy you'd met just yesterday back at the beach.

He, currently busy wiping clean the passenger door of a maroon-colored Jeep, hadn't noticed your arrival. This lead for you to stand by awkwardly, while you pondered over whether or not you should interrupt his chores. To your relief, however, a seemingly middle-aged man in a white tank top had sensed your presence, and decided to greet you once closer enough to recognize your face. 

"Hey there, ma'am!" he greeted, whilst waving his hand in a friendly demeanor. "You're the photographer from overseas, right?"

"Yes!" you called out, giving a firm nod. "I was told to arrive here at three?"

"Yeah, it was Steven's idea! He asked me if we could all go show you Beach City's greener places by car, or in this case. . . Van."

"I see. . ." you mumbled, thinking the offer was just too kind of both he and the child. "Is that really okay with you, sir?"

"'Course it is! I don't mind having a new face joining in with us, and Steven's been wanting to do his ever since he found out about you."

"Well, then. . . Thank you, sir."

Having heard those words, a smile took over the man's bearded face, and he proceeded to lead you towards the boy with the red shirt. As he turned around, however, his son was no longer in his sight.

The yellow rag the boy had been using earlier was now laying on the floor, and the water hose had been turned off. Greg was about to venture inside the building, in search for his son, yet a yell soon interrupted his actions.

"Dad!" Steven eagerly called, as he ran all the way towards his father. "I found the camera!"

"Yes-- We just had to organize some of his drawers to find it." a gentle voice added, as you immediately recognized to whom it belonged to. "Oh, and I see our guest has arrived early!"

"G- Good evening!" you called, waving towards the one who'd spoken up.

Before you stood a group of five women, with Steven standing next to their side. They all waved at you, as you returned their gesture with a smile.

"Guys, this is (Y/N)!" Steven began, gesturing both his pale, chubby hands towards you.

All five women glanced a look at the young boy, and afterwards, they returned their intrigued gaze towards you. The short, lime-toned one gave you a big, friendly grin, and waved eagerly at you; whereas the blue one with cerulean, short hair waved lazily-- with an equally lazy smirk taking over her somewhat stoic face.

Afterwards, you recognized the purple-toned, chubby woman which you'd briefly spotted back at the doughnut shop. The other remaining two, which you knew as Garnet and Pearl, where now packing some items in a spray-painted Van nearby.

"This is Amethyst!" Steven spoke, as he began to introduce you to his what you assumed were members of his family.

The purple one acknowledged you once more, while Steven continued on with his eager introductions.

"This is Peridot." he continued, now pointing at the one with strangely-shaped hair.

She again smiled at you, and afterwards, left to help out the other two women at the Van.

"And this is-"

"Hi, I'm Bob." the blue one interrupted, though her smile showed the action was well-intentioned on her part.

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