I swear if Ajay put Ravi up to this then divorce is going to happen! Were they working together to make this happen? I know Ajay can be harsh but he can't go this far can he?! WOULD HE?! NO!, RIGHT?

The two other men nod and walk out the room without saying anything. I'm presuming they are henchmen or bodyguards of some sort?

I hear the door slam shut and heavy locks being put into place behind the door. It's not like I'm going anywhere people. Clearly.

I look back at the monster. He grabs the stool and sits on it and leans over until he's about where my head is. I glare at him.

"Well, finally your awake, you know you never fail to amuse me Meera. You're so adorable trying to threaten me with your little glare."

He looks at me expectantly. Yeah!, like I'm going to talk to you! I'm staying silent thank you very much!

"Oh, how disappointing, I thought you would talk. It's ok, I'll get you talking soon or later."

My eyes start to water, what did he mean by that?! He's going to hurt me isn't he?


"There we are, good to hear your voice again. Why?, you say? You see,pumpkin, your dear hubby made a mistake."

What mistake? So it's not him that's doing this then?! He laughs.

"I know you might think this is Ajay's doing but fortunately for you he didn't plan this. He did accidentally help me with MY plan though. Idiot, useful one though."

"How?!, did you lure me to the park?!"

"Spot on, pumpkin! Wow you are smart. I thought you were an idiot when you actually said yes to coming with me. You do have some common sense then."

How dare he?! I was a complete idiot! Why did I say yes? Why?! Then I wouldn't of been in this situation!

"You know, instead of your birth name, I'll call you pumpkin if you haven't noticed already. It suits you. I like it."

I get a shudder down my body and cringe. No, why me?

He grabs my chin gently. I try to pull back from his grip. But that just ends up in him squeezing my chin in a painful, vice-like hold. Ow! A tear slips down my cheek as he pulls my head forward. Too close!, I repeat, TOO CLOSE!

"Hmmm... You looked a bit pale and sickly when you collapsed but you're now back to normal, red eyes though. Crying I see..."


He scans my face, every inch of it, ugh, no, please.

"You are quite pretty you know, one thing that confuses me is that he never commented on how adorable you were. Certainly feisty, as he said."

My eyes widen as he says this. What?! Is he going crazy?!

"Just let me go! Please! Don't do this!"

He shakes his head no and smirks. Well men and their smirks these days.

"So was everything you said was a lie?"

"Yeah most of it, the fun part was when you ate the drugged food though, so clueless Meera."

I gasp. He lets go of my face and leans back taking a large breath. Then he leans in again but this time taking a bunch of of my hair. Excuse me?!

I pull back but that ends up in him forcefully pulling my hair towards him. He looks at me with a smirk and then...


I feel dizzy and I feel something trickling down the back of my head. Everything is blurry, he just banged my head against the wall REALLY hard.


"Yeah Sorry about this pumpkin, I sort of have to do this in order to, one, to have Ajay see this if he decides to go the bad route and secondly, for discipline reasons."

Ajay IS looking for me. Oh thank you Ajay!


My head starts to pound in pain. Everything is darkening.


He's slapping me now. No I won't go unconscious! No!

"Why aren't you collapsing?!"


I black out.

End of flashback...

How can he do that? Hit a woman, hit anyone in general?! My head is hurting so bad. Ajay please come quickly! Or Mr Krishnan or whatever?!

I look around, I see some dried blood. Yep, probably mine. Ugh, so painful. Why is it always me going through all the pain?!

How long have I been here? I haven't been fed or anything. Oh god! What if he doesn't find me?! I'll die.

Krishnan!, I'm counting on you. Please?! HELP ME!


Hey guys! Sorry...

I'm such a bad person. Ok, ok I didn't update another chapter in AGES.
*shields face with hands, while crowd throw things at me and boos*

I'm sorry and I will try, KEY WORD, TRY, to update as much as possible. Also thanks so much for your support!

I cherish all your votes and comments, please feel free to comment and vote. ( If you want to)

Thanks! 🙏🏽😊❤️


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