➽ T w e n t y - t h r e e : Long Live the King

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"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time." 
- Mark Twain

I awoke in pure bliss

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I awoke in pure bliss. I could feel in my body that it was entirely too early for me to be stirring but being in Jaxon's arms offset any worries. Until the shrill screeching of the perimeter alarm broke through my senses. 

We both bolted upright from the bed, unsure of what we would find once we left the bubble of the room we were in. Jaxon tossed me a pair of sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt to cover my naked body as he did the same. I looked longingly at my dress, a heap of fabric on the floor, and found myself wishing I could go back to the night. A sense of foreboding deep in my chest had me realizing that whatever was about to happen would leave things upturned. 

The flashing red lights accompanying the alarm highlighted our way into the hall. There wasn't another soul to be seen in the corridors, the ominous blaring the only presence as we slowly shifted our ways around corners. It wasn't until we got closer to the Queen's headquarters that we noticed anything amiss. Two newly appointed guards were hunched against the walls. 

Jaxon rushed to their sides, checking the necks for any sign of life. He nodded at me and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. At least they weren't dead. We had little time to relish in the fact we hadn't lost our members, as a large crash sounded from the other side of the Queen's door followed by shouting. I couldn't give a second thought to the people who laid unconscious and was only aware of my need to get to my Queen. 

I used all my strength to try and open the door to Helen's office, but there was some sort of barrier preventing me from doing so. Even combined with Jaxon's determination and need to get to his parents, the wooden entryway would not grant us access. Tenderly, I placed my hand on the wood and concentrated. I could feel the magic swirling around inside, warding off intruders against the user's will. I refused to let it stop us. 

Holding my mother's words in my head, I attempted to urge the magic, to bend it to my wants. It was difficult and a sweat broke on my upper lip. I could feel my hands start to blister from the heat of trying to sway someone else's sorcery but I refused to give in. Helen's yell of distress fueled my concentration and gave me the edge I needed to break the threads of magic. The door shattered open. 

The room was in disarray but the only thing that caught my attention was Helen and the King surrounded by a group of four Wickeds, holding their arcane sorcery and ready to strike. Jaxon acted first, ghosting directly behind the closest being and wasting no time destroying him. We had only moments before disaster would fall. 

With every ounce of speed I had and took one of the others. The group had become aware of our presence and tried to retaliate before they lost. I noticed the Prince trying to take out a second Wicked but he was having a hard time getting close to them, with the element of surprise gone. Streams of sorcery were flung in his direction but missed their mark. I couldn't focus on him being attacked and zeroed in on my mission at hand. 

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