Chapter 6

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#590 in General Fiction 😃😃, Oh My God! I'm so happy right now. Thanks to you all, kisses...

Samantha woke up the next morning feeling confused and scared, her heart pounding rapidly against her chest.

What if she doesn't like what she finds? What if Kate was lying and just wants her money? What if her father did keep Kate away from her?

A lot of what if's were running through her mind but she knew that the answers she desperately seeks could only be produced in Atlanta. Groggily getting up from bed, she dragged herself to the bathroom.

"I have to do this." She kept muttering to herself as if that would somehow help calm her down.

Few minutes later she was done with bathing and dressed casually in white jeans, a black shirt that was tucked into the jeans and black boots. She packed her black hair up in a ponytail and applied light makeup.

After she was done dressing, she slipped on her jewellries and grabbed her phone to call Cole. It was already and her flight was by 12.noon. The flight time was approximately 4 hours so she would be getting to Atlanta around 4 or 5pm depending on the weather.

Cole picked up the phone on the second ring.

"Good morning Sammy."

"Good morning Cole. How soon can you get here? I'd like to eat before my flight so you need to get here soon." She said.

"I'll be there in a bit." He replied.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." She said and disconnected the call before calling Anita.


"Hey yourself. How you holding up?" Anita asked.

"I'm okay, I guess."

"I'm really sorry about your dad Sammy and it hurts that I can't do anything to ease your pain." Anita said apologetically.

"You've done more than enough Anita by being with me every step of the way, and letting me go on this trip. Thanks for everything."

"You don't have to thank me, I'd do anything for you that will make you happy, but don't go all ghost mode on me when you get to Atlanta and make sure you try to write new songs or even record if you can." Anita added and Sammy sighed, ofcourse she had to bring work into it.

"She is back; and I thought we were having a moment here." Samantha said and Anita burst into laughter.

"I love you Sammy, be safe."

"Love you too Nita." She replied before disconnecting the call.

Few minutes later Cole pulled up to the house and helped her put her bags into the car then locked up the house and activated the security system.

For breakfast,they drove to Jacks N Joe at S Figueroa Street. After he parked his car in an open slot, they walked into the restaurant and were soon seated at a booth just as a waiter walked up to their table to drop two menus for them then left almost immediately.

"You sure you want to do this?" Cole asked holding one of her hand in his.

"I have to." She replied still scanning the menu without looking up at him but squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Have you made your choice yet?" Asked the waiter who just walked up to their table to take their order.

"I'll have the Chloe's blues pancakes, a slice of ham and a cup of coffee, specifically the house roast." She said as the waiter wrote her order down before turning to Cole.

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