Chapter 2

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The next day they were headed back to Los Angeles in her private jet and she was glad that the tour was finally over.

It's not like she was ungrateful for her tour or her career or the level of success, she just needed the comfort of her home more than anything else right now especially with everything that has happened.

4 hours later they finally landed in LAX International Airport and their bags were carted through the terminal to Cole's Mercedes CLS which he usually parks in the airport whenever he travels.

Anita's car was already waiting there for her so she said her goodbyes to them and left. After their bags were fully loaded into Cole's car they drove off and he insisted on getting lunch first before taking her home.

They opted for the Piccolo Paradiso at 150S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills not just because they serve some of the best Italian dishes but also because it wasn't very far from her house.

As soon as they walked into the restaurant she was recognized instantly and they were ushered to a table while the menu was given to them.

She didn't need to look at the menu, she already knew what she wanted. She placed an order for Cappelletti In Brodo (Prosciutto stuffed tortellini and Parmesan on chicken broth) and Cole asked for the same dish.

While they waited for their meal to be served, a bottle of red wine was opened and poured into their wine glasses by a young male waiter who was obviously very nervous being there.

"Thanks" she said smiling at the young waiter who instantly blushed crimson. It's not everyday he gets to serve the Samantha Stone you know. He smiled awkwardly back at her then hurried off before he made a complete fool of himself.

"I see you have teenagers fawning over you too?" Cole asked with humor in his voice.

"Oh please, no one can help all this sexiness you know". She replied winking at him and he grinned.

"So how was last night with your model?" She asked Cole.

He grinned instantly, his lips quirking up in a manner that was so cute and that she would have probably found irresistible if they weren't almost siblings.

"I'm sure you don't really want to hear the sordid details of my night so don't ask, but if you do insist then I can show you not tell you". He replied with a wink at her.

"Yea right" she replied and shuddered waving off his witty reply. Her reaction earned a full throaty laugh from Cole and she soon joined in.

The food arrived and as soon as she got a whiff of the aroma she realized instantly that she was actually starving. It was just like Cole to know what she needed even before she knew it. He was like her soulmate or something just without the romantic aspect.

"Mhmm" she moaned as she took her first bite and let the taste wash over her taste buds. Her stomach growled in delight and she chuckled a bit.

"Like it that much?" Cole asked with mirth in his eyes and she nodded.

"Thanks for insisting on lunch, I'm actually starving". She admitted after taking a few more bites.

"Happy to help," He replied with a wink.

They ate in silence after that because he knew that she hated to talk while eating and soon they were done.

For desert they had strawberry meringue and when the bill was dropped on the table, Cole was already slipping his card into it before she could even look at it.

"You always do that" she whined and pouted.

"Do what?" He asked innocently.

"You know what". She said pretending to roll her eyes which got him laughing. This was a normal routine whenever they went out for lunch or dinner. One day she was going to beat him to it though and pay.

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