Chapter 4

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"So what are you going to do?" Cole asked when he finally managed to calm down enough to talk without cursing and was able to think a little bit more clearly.

"I have no idea. I mean, dad told me that he had to take me and leave because she hated the idea of being tied down by a kid, that she preferred the fast life of drugs, parties and all that. He also said she never wanted anything to do with me and had never tried to reconnect but the letter says he told her not to contact me, which means she did try to at some point. But why would he lie about that to me? I just don't think he could actually do that to me but that doesn't stop me from wondering. What if there is more to this story than I know?" She finally voices the question dancing around their minds.

"I don't have a good feeling about this Sammy, you could just ignore the letter. Like you said, dad would never lie to you about something as important as this". Cole said even though within him he knew their dad would have done anything he felt was to be done in order to protect Sammy from whatever he considered danger or a source of hurt. As much as he was trying to convince her that this was probably a lie, he wasn't even convinced himself.

"You know I can't. I think I've finally known where to go for my vacation". She said very softly that he almost didn't hear her.

"What are you saying?" He asked her, eyeing her suspiciously. He could take a wild guess but he hoped for the sake of his sanity that he was wrong.

"I'm going to Atlanta". She said in a tone of finality, not leaving it open for discussion. This was the tone she used to close deals, the tone she used to get endorsement deals and contracts to work in her own terms, the tone that guaranteed her a win because she had made up her mind so he just nodded because he knew nothing he said would change her mind at this point.

Pushing the dread building up his throat that was as bitter as bile aside, he managed to drag her downstairs and made sure she ate the food he brought because he was sure if he didn't she would probably lie in bed all night thinking about all that was happening and forget to eat.

"Just be careful okay? And let me know everything that happens every step of the way". He said when they were done eating and packing up the plates.

"I will". She replied softly.

"I'm serious Sammy, don't hide anything from me. If you need me there don't hesitate at all; call me immediately and I'll be there as fast as I can". He added looking at her intently. Sammy was stubborn but he knew she wasn't stupid, he trusted that she would be safe and reach out to him when it was necessary.

"I'm not a baby Cole and stop making it look like I'm going on an undercover mission in a jungle or something. I'm just going to visit a harmless old woman" she said and he scowled at her.

"Fine, I'll call you if I need you and I'll check in as much as I can" she added dryly rolling her eyes because she knew she'd never win this if she decided to prolong it.

"Good" he replied as he pulled her in for a hug. That wasn't exactly the way he wanted her to say it but it would do for now. As much as he wanted to go with her and make sure she was safe, he knew she had to do this alone.

"Love you so much Sammy" he said kissing her on the top of her head.

"Love you too Cole".

He left a while later and she went back upstairs to her room. Lying down she picked up the letter again and stared at it. As much as she hated it, she was extremely curious about her mum. Her dad had done a very good job of making sure she never yearned for a mother but that didn't mean there weren't moments when she'd really wished for hers, moments she wished her mother had loved her enough to want to be with her.

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