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Sometimes keeping secrets hurts more because when it blows up and the truth comes out, it doesn't matter what your intentions were, it becomes a betrayal....

Wandering mindlessly around the house she was still trying to familiarize herself with, Samantha suddenly found herself in a room which led to the attic and being the curious person she was, she pulled down the ladder and climbed up into the attic.

She was surprised to see that it wasn't dusty at all but neatly arranged. Looking around, she saw boxes all over and gradually made her way through each of them.

One was filled to the brim with toys and as she pulled them out one by one she felt a wave of familiarity wash over her and then realized in that moment that they must have been hers. A smile tugged at her lips as she looked through the toys and for some reason she felt oddly happy.

Sammy didn't know how much time she spent in there going through boxes but when she got to a much smaller one filled with letters she sat down and turned the box over to get a better view.

She froze when she realized that all the letters had the same name SAMMY scribbled on it, and had all been written in the same hand writing that was used in the letter that had changed a part of her life a few months ago.

Her tummy turned and her chest burned even as she reached out to look closely at the letters with shaky hands.

The letters dated back to 8 years ago and they were so many that she couldn't possibly read it all but the ones that stood out were the ones that had huge cards and were attached to teddy's so she reached for those ones. They were 6 in number and as she opened the first one her heart beat accelerated.

Samantha suddenly felt her airstream clog up and she couldn't breathe.. What is this? What does this mean?? She went through all the letters and realized it had started when she turned 16 years old but was stunned when she found the last letter that dated to the year she turned 22 and the extra copy attached to it.

Her hands were shaking as she read the letters and tears burned her eyes threatening to spill. She couldn't believe any of this, how come she never got any of these letters or did Kate just write them with an intention of sending them to her but decided not to?

She had gone through all the 6 letters but two stood out from the others so she picked them up to read once more, in a bid to better understand.

The first letter which was written for her 18th birthday read,

Dear Sammy,
My darling, I'm so sorry that I can't be there for your birthday. How you've grown, it makes me happy each time I see you and thoughts of you always bring smiles to my face.
Even though you don't know me, even though you might hate me I want you to know that I love you and letting you go was the biggest mistake I ever made.
Happy 18th birthday darling.
I love you.

The second letter had been written when she turned 22 years and her eyes burned when she read it again but what really shattered her heart into tiny pieces was the last sentence in an extra copy that was written by her dad and attached to it.


Does this mean he kept Kate away from her? Is he the reason she never met Kate before now? Did he keep Kate's letters from her? Could he possibly do that?

She was shocked beyond words and as much as she didn't want to believe that her father was capable of doing all that she knew him well enough to know that he'd go to any length if he thought he was protecting her.

Shock soon turned to disappointment and disappointment into anger. She used to love him for always taking the initiative to make important decisions concerning her life but right now she was so angry that she might combust.

How dare he do this to her? How could he deny her the one thing she wanted most? How could he do this to her and then lie about it?

And just like that anger quickly turned into hurt and betrayal as she fell on the floor and broke apart, finally letting all the tears that had been burning her eyes flow down her cheeks freely.

She rocked herself as she cried, her eyes and chest burning as she felt so much hatred well up within her.

This had been her decision to make not his, he took it away and then made her feel unwanted even when he knew this same woman he made her hate was trying to make amends.

"Even if he did lie to you Sammy, we both know he loved you unconditionally; sometimes love leads you into making wrong decisions thinking it's the only choice you have. No matter what you find out, don't ever doubt his love for you; promise me you won't." Her brother, Cole's voice slipped into her head and she clutched her hands over her ears holding on fiercely trying to block it out.

This is not love, love won't make him hurt her, love won't make him deny her the love she hadn't even known she craved all her life.

"I love you baby girl, you might not understand some decisions I make but always know that everything I do, I do because I love you and because I don't ever want to see you hurt." Her dad's voice slipped into her head too, something he'd said on her 18th birthday. She hadn't understood what he meant then but now she does.

For six years he let her think she was the problem, that she wasn't wanted. How could he?? Sammy thought as tears streaked down her face uncontrollably.

Sitting there, she kept clutching tightly at her head to keep Cole's voice and his voice out of her head; rocking on her knees and crying. Samantha heard Kate step into the attic and looked up at her with teary eyes still clutching her hands over her ears and immediately their eyes locked together, Kate's filled with tears too.

"Make it stop please," Samantha pleaded just as she saw Kate rush forward through her blurry vision to sit and pull her into her arms instantly.

She collapsed into her and cried freely without any shame, feeling secured in the arms wrapped around her but then she felt Kate stiffen and raised her head to see her staring at something. She followed her gaze to the stack of letters and cards she'd been reading and back to her pale face then started crying all over again.

"I'm so sorry Sammy, I never wanted you to see that. I'm so sorry darling, I'm so sorry..........."

Phew!!!! That was intense. I'm sure you all are wondering what's going on yea?? Hehehehe!!!!!

I guess you'd have to read the story to really find out so read on and I hope you enjoy it every step of the way.

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Well, that's all for now I guess. Thanks and kisses *mwah*

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