Chapter 9

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My eyes slowly droop from fatigue of my body, I fall into a deep sleep entering the dream world, or what I think is the dream land, it should be a dream but it feels so real, I’m back on Lorien, the day the Mogadorian attacked, the cities and many buildings all over Lorien are up in flames. There are dead bodies all over the floor, I’m unable to tell if they are Garde or Cepan but it doesn’t really matter right now.

I close in around a group of children all being led by one middle aged Loric woman, a group of Mogadorian soldiers see them and pull out their swords, I run and try to stand in front of the children, to block them from the soldiers, but as the Mogs get closer, their swords and blasters slicing and killing the small children and the only adult Loric, their swings and bullets go straight through me, as if I’m not even here.

I’m in a dream, I’m in a dream, none of this happened, wait, but it did happen, this is the same way the Mogadorian invaded our planet, bringing in all of their beasts, rows and rows of soldiers, wiping out Lorien’s entire civilisation. I hear a ear-splitting roar that shakes my insides, I see a shape of a giant beast in the distance, with many outlining bodies of dead corpses stuck in between its giant sharp edged teeth.

I run as fast as I can towards the monster looking to attack a bunch of Loric folk, but I stop as soon as the beast starts levitating, can it fly or something, no that’s impossible, it has no wings, neither anyway to keep itself in flight, but I don’t either, so how do I stay in mid-air. Mogadorians and their beasts don’t have legacies, that’s when I realise a bunch of garde using their telekinesis to keep the beast afloat, its roaring loudly, and wriggling every which way to try and get out of the grip of the garde’s telekinesis.

All of a sudden I appear right beside one of the remaining garde, I peer up to the beast, taking in its features, a four legged monster, roughly the size of a rhino, but some of the others I have seen in this vision from afar have been much bigger, drool and blood dripping from the sides of its jaw. Massive teeth jut from its mouth like tusks. Its skin is disgusting, knobby green. It smells of death and is obviously the cause of many deaths. One of the garde’s plunge a glowing sword through the middle of its chest, the sword looking almost identical to my golden glowing sword I carry everywhere.

“one Piken down, many to go.” I hear the same man who stabbed the, I think it was called a Piken, sarcastically remark. The man in the middle I have seen before, in many of my dreams, usually the same dream I have almost every night, me being carried by a man through a forest, we come to an opening in between the trees and foliage of the bush, and enter what looks like an old abandoned Science laboratory,  then it ends.

My body is starting to disappear slowly, I think something’s happening in reality, in the world were I’m sleeping in the bed. “Jen! Jen! Wake up!” I hear faintly in the back of my mind, I don’t want to leave yet, I want to find out as much as I can about Lorien, maybe even about the other Loric who came to Earth. My vision slowly blurring I realise who that man was. He’s my father, I remember him, as soon as that thought comes to my mind I wake up to reality, sweating uncontrollably. To see Twelve standing right next to me with the most terrified look in his eyes.

“We need to leave now!” he yells to me running back out of the room, gathering his items in a backpack. I spring up as quick as light as I hear gunshots right outside my window. I jump in front of my window, only to jump to the side as soon as I see what’s out there.

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