Moonlight's Power

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"Ok hang on I think we're missing something here." Patty said.
"What are we missing?" Asked Jackie.
"Umm the fact that you came back to life! How the hell did you do it?" Patty asked in amazement.
"I don't know" Jackie stated.
"Well let's think about it. You go by Moonlight because you're romantic. The moonlight shined on you before you came back to life. Sam was by your side. And the best part about that night, you guys kissed! Oh my god! I got it!" Patty said in excitement.
"Ok first of all what does us kissing have to do with it?" Moonlight asked.
"Oh my god it's so obvious! The moonlight shined on you and you were alive. And what was the first thing you did when you came back to life? You held Sam's hand. Sam brought you back!" Patty said confidently.
"Ummm I don't think that's possible" Sam said.
"It so obviously is. What else could it be?" Patty asked.
Patty just sat there with a big smile on her facing looking at Jackie and Sam.
"Ok I have something to tell you guys." Moonlight said. "I umm I have a power where I can heal myself in the moonlight."
"Hahaha that's funny and you guys thought my idea was ridiculous!" Patty said rolling on the ground laughing.
"Alright don't believe it. It's true though. Ever since I was a kid I was able to do things normal people couldn't." Jackie said.
Sam just sat there feeling awkward in the conversation, "Well I'm going to go eat some cookie dough. You guys have a nice chat."
Sam leaves the room leaving Patty and Moonlight alone. Patty gets all excited when Sam leaves. You can tell she has something important to ask.
"So Moonlight are you and Sam a thing?" Patty asked while nudging Jackie.
"Nope" Moonlight stated.
Patty's jaw dropped, "Seriously? But what about the kiss? You can't tell me you guys aren't dating after that!"
Jackie shrugs her shoulders, "I don't consider us dating unless I actually asked her to be my girlfriend"
"Dude you should so ask her. It'd be so cute and just ahh it's so adorable!" Patty said with excitement.
"Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. I guess you'll have to wait and see." Jackie says while exiting Patty's bedroom and out into the woods.
"Oh she's so going to do it" Patty said.
Patty rolls her was to Sam and starts enjoying some cookie dough with her.
All Patty could think to herself now is, "Man I could really go for a pizza right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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