Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter's song: Meghan Trainor, Like I'm Gonna Lose You

My chest tightened as I swallowed hard. "What are you doing here?"

Bryan cast his eyes down for a moment, swallowing hard. "I'm sorry, Jess. I've been...occupied."

I crossed my arms across my chest. No shit. "I know, apparently, you were so unavailable that you couldn't check your messages," I nodded to myself pursing my lips.

I was pissed. So, so pissed.

How dare he show up at my house as if nothing had happened?

I'd been waiting for a text, a smoke signal, anything from him. I'd been worried about him, but now I was just angry.

I'm not a toy to play around whenever the hell he wants to.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, let me explain why- "

"Too late."

His eyes were intense as he gazed at me. My determination faltering for a minute, because despite the fact that he was looking as handsome and clean-up as always, he looked sad, tired even.

No, Jessie. Be strong. You have dignity. He can't play you.

Biting my lip, I creased my brows as I averted his eyes. "You're my boss Bryan and we're bound to see each other every day. I don't think this is a good idea."

"Hadn't we talked about it?"

I looked up. "Well, apparently not enough."

Things happen for a reason.

I always believed in that. If things seemed too complicated to begin with, it was a bad omen. This was just not meant to be, as simple as that.

Even if this was breaking my heart already.

"Jess?" Juno's voice sounded behind me.

No Juno, not now. Please. She stepped beside me, glancing curiously at the guy standing at the porch.

"Bryan!" She looked at me with stern eyes. "I told Jessie that you were indeed coming, didn't I?"

By all means, rub salt on the wound. It's not hurting enough.

"Bryan just came to ̶ "

"Pick you up," Juno stood up straighter, raising an eyebrow.

I wanted to roll my eyes and tell her to stop it. Instead, I pressed my lips in a tight slash, my stomach already rolling. "He just came to apologize, Grandma." Back-off Juno.

Juno's eyes narrowed before she turned to him with a wide, forced grin. "Well, in that case, would you mind coming in? I baked cinnamon rolls today for breakfast, and I saved a you a couple." Oh, for fuck's sake.

"Thank you Juno, but I don't want to impose," Bryan's tone was wary. Good.

"Never, Bryan." Juno walked away to the kitchen. Not without sending me one of her rare you're-in-trouble glares.

Without looking at him, I moved to let him step inside. "I just need to talk to you, Jess."

I don't. I didn't say anything, though.

He exhaled slowly before passing next to me, the dark scent of his cologne engulfing me, as I felt like I was dying a little inside, because damn it, I wanted to hear him out, but I also needed to draw a line here. He could not step over me like that. Be strong.

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