Chapter Four

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My grandmother had more dates than me. Sad, but true. I thought about the last time I went out with a guy. It was probably like a year ago, and I didn't know if getting a burger at McDonald's after work could be considered a date. Probably not.

Oh wow. That's bordering on pathetic.

Frowning, I made my way downstairs to get breakfast before going to the cooking school. "Ready for work?" Seth asked with a smile as his feet dangled. He'd hopped on the counter and was eating cereal directly from the box. There was a milk gallon at his side, too.

My mouth fell open at the sight. "Oh my God, Seth! I'm never eating cereal again! Or drinking milk! Do you always do that?" I gagged. I usually had cereal for breakfast everyday.

He shrugged before grabbing another handful of corn pops. "I didn't feel like washing dishes today."

I rolled my eyes. I passed next to him, and slapped him on the head. "Where are your manners Seth?" From the blow, he crashed against the cereal box and little yellow balls scattered around the floor.

He glared at me. "I'm not cleaning this up!"

I ignored him. "I'm telling Juno," I said in a sing-song tone. My lips tugged up as looked at him. We both knew that if Juno paid any attention to our bickering, she'd probably take my side. She always did.

Seth groaned before jumping down. He walked to the small closet to out right and took out a broom and a dustpan. I heard him mutter a few curses as he set to work. When he finished cleaning up, he washed his hands and got another handful of cereal in his hand. I shook my head. "You eat like an animal, Seth."

He popped them into his mouth and started to eat with his mouth open, with the sole purpose of annoying me to death. I tried to ignore him as I made coffee. There was a little Tupperware with brownies next to the stove, and I grabbed one when Seth wasn't looking. Brownies and coffee were the best breakfast ever.

Smiling to myself, I sat by the table and as I was about to take a bite, it disappeared off my hand. My brother ate it in one go and grinned. A full-on brownie grin. "You owed me," he said spitting crumbs all over the place. Narrowing my eyes, I stood up. He knew what was coming. Gulping, he managed to mutter, "Oh shit!" before sprinting away from me.

I chased him through the house. We crossed the living room and he climbed to his room. Just as he was about to reach the door, I tackled him. He went down with a thud. "Jesus, you're getting heavier!"

I gasped. "You didn't!" I purposely sat on top of him and started to tickle him. He squirmed like crazy, and was starting to protest when Juno came out of her room.

"Good morning, kids!" She passed beside us and Seth reached out for her. She ignored him. "Excited to see Chef Tom?" she raised her eyebrows, and a wide smile spread on her face.

"Oh man! I have to go." I ruffled Seth's hair before standing up.

Seth rolled his eyes. "Now, it's my fault. You started it." He objected as he hoisted himself as well.

"Seth, stop picking on your sister," Juno murmured before making her way to the stairs. She was humming quietly.

Seth and I stared at her for a moment before sharing a what's-with-her look. He raised an eyebrow and I smirked.

Sighing dramatically, he started to protest once more. "My life is so unfair! You both should be all over me, since I'm the only man in this house!"

I shook my head. "This seriously doesn't work, Seth. I don't know why you keep trying." He pinched his lips together and followed me as I walked to the bathroom to wash my teeth.

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