e l e v e n - r i n

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   "Goodnight, Min Yoongi," I say into the phone, feeling just a little dumb as the words leave my lips. It is a pretty stupid thing to do, say goodnight before it's even noon, but the smile on my face overrides the oddness of the statement itself. Well, either way, I hadn't been expecting a schedule change with Yoongi, but at least I'm still getting to hang out with him. I've still got quite some time before I need to be over at his dorm, so I decide that a nap is probably in order. I've been up late these past few nights working on music, so some sleep is well-deserved.

   As I lay down in my bed, though, sleep evades me. My thoughts fill with the members of Bangtan Sonyeondan and the craziness they're known for. I worry about what they'll think of me. Will they like me? Will I like them? Thoughts torment me until about eleven in the morning, which is when I finally give up on trying to sleep at all. I throw the black comforter off of me and head out of my room to get something to eat. Four hours until I have to be at the Bangtan dorm. Four hours until I have to face my fears.

   I pass the time idly by watching TV and distracting myself from my near future. I wish I knew why the prospect of meeting Yoongi's bandmates is so stressful to me. I mean, they're just his friends, right? If they're Yoongi's friends, there's no reason for them to not like me, or vice-versa. Yoongi's known as the colder one in Bangtan, right? If he wants me around, the other members should be just as welcoming. Still, though, even logical encouragement won't set my mind at ease. Guess I'm just going to have to torture myself until three.

   And then two-thirty comes and my stomach officially knots itself. I lace up my black Converse to match the rest of my monochromatic outfit for the day and then head out the door. The radio plays two Red Velvet songs over the duration of my commute, one in the "Red" style and one in the "Velvet." Neither can hype me up nor calm me down. At this point, I'm too nervous to do anything other than be nervous. The drive ends not too long after Dumb Dumb hits its closing chord. My feet hit the pavement autonomously as my mind spins around the concept of meeting these six boys. Why the hell can't I do this?

   I check my phone as I enter the lobby of the apartment complex. It's quite nice, I'll certainly say that much. The lobby itself isn't extravagant or anything, but it's got a homey and welcoming vibe to it. My heart thuds to the beat of the intentioned soothing elevator music as I ride up to the third floor. When the elevator stops, my heart shoots into my throat for a moment. This is awful.

   No turning back, I have to remind myself. I step out of the elevator and head left, making my way to the loft that houses both my friend and my fears. I put one foot in front of the other with conscious effort and finally stop in front of the door with the correct number plated on it.

   I take a deep breath.

   I knock.

   Immediately, noise fills the room from behind the door. Rather, the noise amplifies; there had been sounds coming from the loft beforehand. Something tells me Bangtan's dorm is rarely quiet, let alone silent. The commotion continues for about twenty seconds. I'm about to knock again when the door swings open.

   "Hello!" Greets a bright voice from a red-haired boy. V, of the maknae line. Well, he seems nice enough.

   "Hi," I begin. "I'm Rin. Did Yoongi tell you guys I'd be coming?"

   "Yeah, he did!" V says, that same enthusiasm coating his voice. "He's in the bathroom right now. Come on in!" He waves me inside with an infectious smile and I can't help but return it. The unease is starting to go away.

   "You can call me Taehyung, noona. If you'd like." He's still beaming.

   "Right. And Rin is fine by me," I add. "I don't know if Yoongi's been using my stage name at all, so Rin is fine."

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