f i v e - r i n

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   Tuesday, 8:00am. I've got to get ready for work.

   I pull myself with groggy reluctance from the cocoon of warmth that is my bed, heaving a sigh. I'm nowhere near a morning person, but I suppose it could be a lot worse. I could've had to get up even earlier.

   I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. In fact, I'd only managed to get about two and a half hours of shut-eye. Sure, staying up till five-thirty in the morning wasn't a very good idea, but I'm most productive in the early hours of the morning. I'm a bit nocturnal, I suppose.

   Nocturnal or not, I drag myself to the bathroom and take a cold shower to wake me up. I wash my hair and shave, as the weather's hot enough for shorts and I'm not in the mood to feel self-conscious. After stepping from the shower, I get dressed in a pleated dark gray skirt and a white blouse, rolling the sleeves up just above my elbows. I also decide to just go with my gray Converse for shoes, given that they match the rest of the outfit. I put my hair up in a bun after brushing it and apply some eyeliner and mascara. I've never been too big on makeup, but eye makeup has always appealed to me. It's simple, but can really tie a look together, and I appreciate that.

   Finally, I head downstairs, grab a granola bar from the pantry, and retrieve my apron from the hook by my door as I head to my car. I'm actually pretty pumped to go back to work, I won't lie. After the incident on Saturday, I'd managed to calm myself down with a bit of overtime, but the rest of the weekend was different. I didn't want to spend time with anyone even though Juyoung offered, so I stayed at home and let my thoughts eat away at me for the entirety of Sunday and Monday. I just couldn't shake the sound of Yoongi calling my name from my head. It was almost desperate, the way he called me. Part of me felt bad for leaving, but that was mostly drowned out by shame. Like a kid, I ran away instead of confronting him, and I hated myself for it. If I wanted so badly to give him a piece of my mind, why didn't I just do it?

   Now, those thoughts get pushed away as I focus on driving. I'm happy to get back to work, if for no other reason than it taking my mind off the weekend.

   I clock in about ten minutes early for my shift, which officially starts at 9:30. I've got the book I'd checked out on Saturday, and I decide to read it to pass the time. I hadn't touched it over the weekend. I get through about half a chapter when Kyeonghwa greets me.

   "Hey, Rin. You're early today."

   "Yeah, guess so."

   She studies me, scrutinizing my face as if seeing me for the first time. "You look... bedraggled. Have you been sleeping okay?"

   I chuckle. "Me? Sleeping? That's funny."

   "You haven't slept?"

   "I hardly ever get enough sleep. It'll probably contribute to my death."

   "You're joking about it, but it's really not healthy."

   "Gotta make light of it somehow. Look, as touched as I am that you're concerned, I know that's not why you came over here. What do you need me to do?"

   "Helpdesk. Dabin will be here in at around eleven or so to cover it, so only till then. When he shows up, come on back and shelve whatever's been scanned in. See me when you're done with that, got it?"

   "Yes, ma'am," I state dutifully, smirking at my manager. With purpose, I rise from the chair I'd been seated in and head over to the helpdesk. The library doesn't even open till ten, so I put my feet up on the desk and continue reading about the life of Jack until opening time.

   Honestly, I kind of hate working the helpdesk. The people that come over are more often than not bratty kids asking for access to the computers, and if not them, snooty adults complaining about overdue fines even though they should be asking the checkout desk about those kinds of problems. I really prefer any other task to working the helpdesk. Kyeonghwa knows that, though, and that's why she doesn't usually put me on it. My favorite job is probably shelving, but I don't mind working the checkout desk, either. Helpdesk really is the only position here I dislike.

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