A Night To Remember

Start from the beginning

As the lights darkened and music blasted, I happily danced in a group, swaying my body to the music; ten minutes in, I felt somebody approach me from behind. My mind rushed... I've only ever grinded once and it was at after-grad. My good high school friend, Maria, told me at the time, "Stick your butt out and rub it around." Maria was one of the girls that had a naturally flirty personality and could easily attract boys; she was the whole package with nice curves and luscious hair. However, Maria wasn't there with me and I could tell the guy behind me was completely wasted so I did what I do best: froze. Immediately, the drunken guy moved on, thank goodness. 

My Frosh friends laughed jokingly at my situation, but we kept dancing along. Not too long later, another guy came up to me. He was cute, and not drunk- I thought so anyway. We moved our bodies together to the music and he talked to me, which made me feel comfortable and forget about our close  proximity. 

"How do you like the dance?" He asked, smiling as his hands slid down my lower backside and onto my butt. 

"It's nice," I replied nervously. I looked around to avert awkward eye contact and noticed that my Frosh leader, sitting on the stage, was giving him the thumbs up. There were also other Frosh leaders I recognized that walked by the dance floor and gave him a wink or smirk. He must sure know a lot of people for a new student, I thought to myself. 

"What's your name?" I told him and he replied with his, but the music was so loud I couldn't hear.


"I'm Matt." 

"I can't hear you."

"That's okay, you probably won't remember tomorrow anyway." He joked, thinking I was drunk. "So later, there's going to be an after-party on the 10th floor of the hotel. You should come."

I smiled as I said, "yeah maybe", even though I had no intention of going, knowing that it's just going to be more drinking. 

He leaned in a bit closer and as usual, I freaked out. "I can't kiss you if that's what you were going for."

"Why?" he whispered in my ear, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Oh shoot. He's going to know I've never kissed anyone! "No. Can we grab a glass of water?"

"Sure." We walked away from the dance floor, his arm around my waist. When we reached the table section, and he handed me a glass of water first, I  noticed that his wristband was green. All of the frosh members had blue wristbands. "Why is your wristband green?"

"No reason." he smiled nonchalantly before two of his friends came up and talked ot him. It wasn't until Frosh was over when I learned that green wristbands were for Frosh executives and leaders. Apparently Matt was a second year student, volunteering at Frosh and that's why all the Frosh leaders were cheering him on as he danced with me. I also later heard from other business students that he was a representative of the business undergraduate council which was a huge and desired position by all students. A friend I made when school started told me that there were many girls in Frosh who wanted to hook up or sleep with him for connections and I'm glad that I completely avoided that. 

Anyway, I got bored of his conversation and slowly walked back to the dance floor by myself; unfortunately, my Frosh friends were missing so I joined  a new group of dancing girls, introducing myself. The group became larger and larger as more people joined in and beside me, was a friendly Brazilian. I don't remember the specifics of our conversation, but I do remember that as we were dancing, our bodies moved closer and moments later, instead of a group dance it was just us, bodies completely touching. He had curly brown hair and spoke Spanish which I learned a bit of during high school; we joked a bit and I attempted to speak the little Spanish I learned.

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