Confession VII

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"I don't know what to do

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"I don't know what to do. My dad is extremely racist and homophobic and hurts so much to be around him considering I, myself am Bisexual. It hurts to know he thinks all these things about me just because of my sexual preference. It's not like I can't stop going there every weekend or on Wednesdays, it's against the law if I didn't go because of his partial custody. I just don't like how much pain he brings  me and I don't know how to escape it, even if he doesn't know he's doing it, yet I did ask him to stop multiple times and I always get yelled at."

You have a tough situation here, anon. If your father is like this, he needs a confrontation.

But before that, think about him. He's your father, you know him best. You have to think of how he'll react if/when you tell him.

But what's important that I have to say here is do you feel safe?

He's your father, in the end no matter what, he is still your father.

Even if he hates it, he'll have to come to terms.

Educate him. Find videos, pictures, facts, information etc and just educate him.

Or you know what? Maybe be upfront, let him know that you have a voice and that you matter.

Let him know that you are Bisexual and that you are proud.

But if you know in your heart, that there's no way for him to change. I suggest you talk it out with your mother/other guardian. Let them know you're scared and that his words are adding stress that you don't deserve to be brought.

And if he gives the reaction you don't want, try your best to stay calm. Think of everything you love and you tell him that no matter what he thinks, preaches, says or does.

That there's no changing the amazing person you are.

Advice for anonymous?

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