Green eyes • Chapter: Eleven

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Time: 6:45

Date: December 4, 2019

~ Sahila Mahendra Abbételli

I woke up to a cold and empty side on the bed. I blinked the sleep away out my eyes to see Zaire was no where in sight. It was 9 in the morning and I didn't feel right. I was mad that he still left me knowing i hate sleeping alone. But I was really tired. I jumped out of bed feeling queasy, something just wasn't right and I couldn't shake the feeling. You know how you get that gut feeling.

Just to make sure I called him and it rung out. I cared about Zaire even though I didn't like showing it, he was becoming a huge part in my life and I loved it. I kept calling him and calling and not once did he answer. I left messages and everything and he still didn't answer. My palms started to sweat as I called him a few more time. The amount of times I called showed that I was serious as ever.

I quickly threw on some sweats and any shoes that where in sight. My palms were sweaty as I got in my car, I didn't know where I was going I was just driving around looking for him. As I started the car I got a call from Hakeem. He should know where Zaire is right, why didn't I call him.

"Sahila meet me at the hospital now...." before I could say anything Hakeem had already hung up.

My heart started beating rapidly as I sped to the hospital. I didn't expect anything to be wrong with Zaire, I couldn't shake the feeling I had. If he was hurt, I wouldn't know what to do. I didn't want to believe that Zaire could have gotten shot or something. It just didn't fit in the same sentence.

Zaire was always careful especially when he was on the streets. Zaire was my baby even if he didn't know it, that boy had become my everything. My brothers even see it, how my eyes light up every time I see him and it's funny because I can finally admit I do have strong feelings for him.

All these thoughts where racing through my head as I reached the hospital. My heart was beating fast as I got out the car and raced into the hospital to find Hakeem, Andrew, a woman that looked about in her 60's and Zaire's little sister Amira. As soon as she seen me she ran up to me and hugged me. She put her head on my shoulder and started crying.

"Let me know now, is he okay." I asked wanting him to get whatever he had t say over with. I put Amira down and held her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry Sahila, they said he wasn't doing too well."

I couldn't breath. I started breathing in and out like I'm suppose to, but it didn't work. My heart sped up and my chest tightened and that's when everything just went black.

Time: 9:16 PM

At the Hospital

I woke up to a bright ass light in my face. Realizing I was in a hospital bed. I hate hospitals with a passion, there where so much sick and dead people. But I hated it mostly cause my Jaden took his last breath in this hell hole. It pained me to know there was nothing I could do to take his pain away.

"I see you are awake Ms. Abetelli." Some lady said smiling at me

I nodded

"Can you bring in Hakeem and Andrew if there still here."

She nodded and then walked out. Then Hakeem and Andrew walk in with bloodshot eyes.

"Where's Zaire." I looked at the time and it was 9 o' clock

"Sahila You had an anxiety attack when we told you Zaire was shot and he wasn't doing so good. You hit your head against the floor and you started bleeding, before we could even finish." Hakeem said

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