Chapter 2 ~ Meeting Jacob

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Next Day

Your POV

The next day I woke up at around
8:00 am. You usually never wake up around this time feeling energized, but you felt that something amazing was going to happen today.

You went downstairs and ate some pancakes with a glass of milk. You and your family decided to go shopping that day. Well mostly you decided it, but shopping is always fun, right?

Time passes

Jacob's POV

Today I plan to go the mall, hopefully no one sees me there, because honestly it can be really annoying when you're just trying to have fun, but a bunch of a people bombard you. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my fans, it's just that sometimes I wish I could go places without being recognized.

At the mall...

As I enter the mall I can already see people recognized me. "The usual." I thought to myself. As I tried to go in one of the shops, a bunch of girls confronted me, I didn't want to act rude or anything so I took pictures with them and stuff like that. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl. She had beautiful Y/C/H (your color hair) locks. I knew she recognized me, but she didn't bother coming. She gave me a quick wave and then went back to shopping. "Weird..." I thought to myself. I then excused myself from the girls and starting moving towards this girl who waved at me.

Your POV

I finally arrived at the mall. "This mall sure looks different than in W/Y/L." (where you live).

"Ya it sure does." My dad said.

"Y/N (your name) I'm going to take your brother to Men's Foot Locker, if you need anything you know where to find us." My dad said. "Ok dad!"

(Btw if you were wondering, your mom decided to stay home, she was meeting a friend who she knew lived in the area)

As I was walking into Forever 21 I saw a bunch of girls surrounding a boy. "Huh... weird." I thought to myself. As I took a closer look at the boy, I realized that I recognized him... no wonder I thought the area was familiar, it's Jacob.... Jacob Sartorius.

As I was slightly fangirling inside, I saw him looking my way, I gave him a polite wave and he looked confused, I then decided to go into Forever 21 and actually do some shopping. I then felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there he was, Jacob Sartorius standing right infront of me.

"Please Don't Go..." A Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now