"And it's not like Skye's that subtle at whispering," he added gruffly. Skye tensed at the way he said her name and I nervously wrung my fingers around each other. 

"Before we talk about that, I need to know something," Hailey said seriously and I nodded my head to indicate for her to continue. 

"You took Tristan's gun and shot Rowan?" she asked slowly and I frowned at the underlying tone that I couldn't decipher. 

"Yes, ma'am," I mumbled my reply, noticing now that Tristan's body was closer to mine. 

"In the leg?" 

"Yes, ma'am." 

"Stop calling me ma'am, I'm not that old." I felt my cheeks heat up but murmured an apology. 

The air was thick again but this time, it wasn't awkward. It was tense and nervous. I looked up and saw Liam and Hailey sharing a look. 

Suddenly, Tristan's phone rang and everyone jumped. He grunted and pulled out his phone, looking at the screen with his eyebrows scrunched together. 

"Hello?" he spoke and I looked over at him and saw that his face had paled; he swallowed thickly. 

"Tristan, is everything alright?" I asked, taking a step closer towards him. His head snapped over to mine. He let out a soft sigh, his eyes wavering with what looked like sadness. 

"Yes, yes it is them. J-Just hold on one second, please," he told the person on the other end. He looked at me and pressed a haste kiss on my lips. 

"I'm really sorry, doll, I have to go take this. I'll be right back, alright?" he reassured me. I stood there, dumbfounded - mainly due to the fact that he one, just kissed me in front of his family and two, just called me doll. 

I watched as he pushed past everyone, grabbing Brent's arm and dragging him along. Brent let out a startled yell but was quick to give in, following him. 

I let out a sigh and leaned against the door, holding right elbow with my left arm. I was suddenly very aware of many pairs of eyes on me and I pursed my lips, quickly feeling very self-conscience. 

"So, you guys are a official now?" Caleb asked, breaking me out my trance. I looked to him and shrugged my shoulders, tilting my head slightly. 

"I don't know, I guess. Call me old-fashioned but I like it when the guy properly asks the girl to be his girlfriend. Not that I've actually ever had a boyfriend but I like to dream," I replied, scrunching my nose up. 

There was a collective chuckle from everyone and I felt the tip of my ears heating up. Skye ushered everyone away, dragging me to the kitchen. She sat me down and I noticed that Adam was also with her. 

I sat across from them and I couldn't help but feel like I was in a job interview. 

"Are you alright?" Skye asked softly and I shrugged my shoulders, reaching across and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table.. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I-I don't know. I mean, I don't even know if I want to be his girlfriend," I whispered softly. I took a bite out of it for the first time in two years, ignoring both Adam and Skye's shocked looks.

"What? Not be his girlfriend? How could you not when you make googly eyes whenever you're around each other," Skye huffed, making a slight blush form on my cheeks. 

"First off, I don't make googly eyes, Skye. And secondly, I don't know. I just, I'm pregnant and not by will. If he finds out- No, when he finds out, he'll dump me the second he knows. Not that I would blame him, of course but I don't want to go through that pain of him leaving me," I explained with a heavy sigh once I had finished my bite.

"Not by will?" Adam asked and I tensed up, my lips forming a tight line. I looked down at the wooden table, taking in how both their fists clenched. But thankfully, neither of them said anything else.

"You really are an idiot, L.A.," Skye sighed dramatically. "Tristan is head over heels for you. Yes, it might take him a while to adjust to the fact that you're pregnant - especially with three babies - but I'm more than positive that he will stay with you, no matter what." 

I looked down at my stomach and gently rubbed it. I thought about what she said but couldn't help feel that maybe she was right. Maybe. 

"I just want to take things slow before I do anything rash," I said after thinking for a few moments. I looked to Adam and Skye and saw them nodding their heads in understanding. 

"First off, as I said, I don't want to rush anything only for it to be ruined in the short run. Secondly, I have so many things that I'm hiding from him and I will tell him but if we become official, I'll feel obliged to tell him because boyfriends and girlfriends don't keep things from each other. I'm nowhere near ready to tell him anything yet. And thirdly? I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship just yet, especially with everything going on. Hell, I don't even know if I'm ready to be a mother." I exhaled deeply, resting my head on my arms. 

"Hey, no one's forcing you to do anything, alright? Just know that if Tristan wants to be your boyfriend and doesn't understand why you're not ready yet, then he's just a baboon," Skye said, making me giggle softly at her choice of words. 

Then all of a sudden, Tristan came bursting into the kitchen. I had just taken another bite out of my apple and I choked, getting a fright. He looked slightly amused for a second before his face took one of total seriousness once again. 

"What's wrong?" Adam asked, standing up. His hand reached for something in his belt, hidden from his long jacket, and I instantly knew what it was. Does everyone around here own guns? 

Tristan's eyes flickered over to me and I adverted my gaze down to the table. I felt Adam look at me also but I stayed quiet, taking another bite out my apple. 

It seemed as though they because they both walked out of the kitchen at the same time without a single word. 

"Wonder what's going on," Skye murmured, making me looking up at her. I shrugged my shoulders gently, absentmindedly chewing on my apple. 

"Hey, Tristan mentioned that you both went to the orthodontist, right?" she asked and I slowly nodded my head. I opened my mouth to take a bite out of my apple but before I could do said action, she gripped my chin. 

I yelped, my arms flailing as she forced open my mouth. I grumbled and slumped in my seat, watching as she stared at my teeth. 

"Smile for me," she demanded and I huffed out but did what she said, smiling. A small squeal fell from her lips and my smile became more real, shaking my head at her. 

"What?" I mumbled, trying to stop smiling but to no avail. She had such a contagious smile that it really took a lot in me to not ask about her and Brent. 

"You just look even more stunning than you did before," she sighed dramatically once again. "It's no surprise that Tristan finally snapped and kissed you." 

I felt the heat start from the bottom of my neck to the tip of my ears, grumbling at her. 

"Oh, shut up," I grumbled and shoved her shoulder only to receive a laugh from her instead. 

I leaned back in my seat with a large smile clearly present on my lips, taking Skye's teasing as it came. 

I honestly felt I was nothing could ruin my happy mood right now. But oh, boy, little had I known just how wrong I was. 



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