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A/N: this chapter might be a bit lengthy and I tried my best to incorporate the personalities of each character. Enjoy.

I suppose somebody wants to know about my first week at Avengers tower?

It sucked major ass.

Let's run over the week, shall we?

Monday: I pissed off Ironass when I accidentally destroyed one of his suits in practice. Not my fault that bombs have a timer, he should have gotten out of the way.

Tuesday: It was silent except for a particular Trickster who took up residence in my room all day. He kept on playing pranks on me until I gave up trying to sleep and just read some old books about the French Revolution.

Wednesday: Agent Barton and Romanoff overlooked my training. I got my ass handed to me in several occasions. By several, I mean eighty percent of the time. At least Agent Romanoff said I would be ready for the field.

Thursday: I got left behind by the Avengers for a mission. What sucked is that I got all suited up only to find them all gone. So once again, I was stuck in the presence of Loki. Yay.

Friday: I destroyed a portion of Stark Tower. I'm not gonna talk about that. Serves me right for trying to be nice and bake some cookies.

Saturday: I caused The Scarlet Witch to hate me because I might have said something when she tried to get into my mind. I don't regret it. Quicksilver thinks it funny, though so I guess I'm cool with him.

Sunday: Dr. Bruce Banner hulked out and I ended up being the one chased because Agent Romanoff couldn't calm him down in time. It sucked ass. Dr. Banner apologized profusely but I told him that it was okay. Tony just called me an idiot for running instead of fighting. I would have punched him if Romanoff wasn't there.

This week basically blew. So much for me being an Avenger.

"So how is your week so far with Earth's Mightiest Heroes?" Loki asked with an irritating smirk. That little shit knew that answer.

He lounged on couch, an old book in his hands as he flipped through its pages.

I sat at the foot of my bed with my legs crossed. My book on world geography laid in my lap currently open to a map of the Yucatán peninsula.

"Oh! Wonderful. I've had so much fun with my new 'friends!' Yeah! It's totally great, man! I'm so glad I listened to Fury," I said with a bitter and sarcastic voice. "Shut up and read your damn Shakespeare."

I went back to reading about the Yucatan peninsula before he interrupted me again. 

"Is must be so painful that you aren't included in part of the Avengers," he said. " 'Life is as tedious as twice-told tale, vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.' "

I let out a dry laugh.

King John? Really?

"I didn't tell you my life's story," I said as I flipped onto a new chapter. "And I hope you understand what sarcasm is, and if not then this is gonna be a very long prison sentence for the both of us."

"I have a feeling that your life story would be boring, Midguardian."

"You really put the 'ass' in Asguardian, Frosty."

With that, I effectively shut him up.


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