aaron joel and james

Start from the beginning

god she was so hard to deal with when she was with those two " no its not cara..im an adult and you need to-"i was cut off by some thing " kendall cara needs to go she can fuck you later byeeee" jourdan said drunkenly i herd cara laughing "guys stop thats not funny give me my phone"i herd cara said they hung up

this put my bad mood into a worst mood i wasnt that with gigi selena and kylie..

i sighed 

"everything okay ms.jenner"joel asked "yes joel thanks for asking" i said my tone clearly answering his question  he kindly nodded

i went to my days events my mood casting over everything, the thing that i didnt like is that for the most part i was always in a good mood the one day i am things happen, as if im not allowed to have a bad day people acted like beacuse im kendall jenner me having a bad mood offended them..

so to say the least i was ready to crawl back into my hotel bed

it was a bed of nails compared to the bed at home maybe just beacuse the bed at hoem always had cara in it


a annoyed state of mind took over me again 

i was walking through Berlin i was in my head the weather was gloomy 

Aaron joel and James walked around me towering over me, i was a tall person and as weird as it sounds i didnt like when people were taller then me i wasnt used to it ..let alone three men that could be mistaken for 7 feet tall

two by my sides one behind me  all around them yelling paparazzi 

there was a pounding in my head i reached and tapped on Aaron shoulder "yes ma'am" he said with a southern accent that shocked me he looked more middle eastern "oh um do you have any Advil.." i asked shyly paparazzi always crushed my confidence "no whats wrong?" he asked worried "nothing-nothing" i said 

this is why i didnt like having security guards it was like having over protective boyfreinds ...three of them " joel she asked for Advil" he said "whats from ms.jenner" James said behind me "guys its find i just have a headache.."i said " you look a bit pale" Aaron said joel was muttering into his sleeve i image he had a mic there 

we walked in this crazy mix of paparazzi and bad weather James held a umbrella over me like i didnt have hands

a black BMW wagon pulled up apron open the door "mind your head ms.jenner" he said as James and joel kept the aggressive paparazzi back 

i sat into the car paparazzi flooded around the car two got into the car " where is James?" i asked "he will be back" Aaron said as joel felt my head "guys"i said "im fine no security guards i have ever had have ever done this"I said " well ms. delevinge was very specific on what our job was" joel said "well im not to happy with ms. delevinge at the moment" i said " be that as it may she told us to take care of you while she couldn't" Aaron said joel nodded " well tell her i can do it myself im 21"i said " age and the ability of what you can or cant do is irrelevant to the fact that ms.delegne gave us a clear cut job and we will preform that job until she says other wise not you" joel said in a strict tone i sighed and sank into the fancy seat of the car 

James opened the door flashes and the roar of paparazzi behind him he had a small paper bag he sat down and sighed it was a tight fit i was between the two huge guys "here" he said handing it to me "whats this?" i asked opening it " Advil and a snadwitch" he said "why th-" he ct me off " she told us to make sure you eat " he said i sighed i knew it wasnt up for debate so i jsut followed along and took the Advil

i had a fitting then at the end of the ngiht a huge show..

i powered through the fitting i was a nervous wreck for the show

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