Start from the beginning

As a whole, 5 Seconds of Summer were simply born for the stage. They performed with everything they had, each song no matter the tone or the message was played to perfection and they ensured their audience were having a great time by also having a great time on stage.

Calum walked towards us again.

Ashton was singing, and Calum kneeled with his eyes on his bass. He looked up before smiling again.

I don't think my knees can take any more of thus.

I already had my phone out, so I decided to take a picture. He realized what I was doing and started doing various facial expressions. He crossed his eyes, stuck his tongue out between his teeth, and even pouted.

I was laughing, and he was too. Everything felt great.

I almost jumped when a hand unexpectedly landed on my shoulder. "Mr. Hemmings you'll be escorted backstage now," Jensen said, smiling a little, obviously noticing my surprise.

"Yes, thank you." I told him and I nodded at Kate. She followed the bodyguard, and I was about to do the same, when my eyes landed back at Calum. I mouthed the words see you.

He winked.

I quickly ducked my head before Calum could notice how flustered he made me.



I tried to continue focusing on the concert itself and connecting with our fans, which proved to be an extremely difficult task because I couldn't stop thinking about Luke even when he was already nowhere to be seen. 

We took our final bow and I ignored the way Michael and Ashton were giving each other looks.

They started making sex noises once we were walking to our dressing room. Even the two guards escorting us were trying to stifle their laughter.

"Would you two stop?" I tried very hard to not throw my water bottle at them. It was getting increasingly difficult not to when they kept it up until we were actually outside the dressing room, stopping just before we went in.

Luke was sat on the couch and the girl that was with him was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Luke!" Ashton was the first to greet him. Luke stood up, all long legs and skin tight jeans. He hugged Ashton and Michael, and while he did that I let myself take in his appearance.

Our gazes met each other for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight, and my brain stopped working again.

"Calum?" My name came out of his lips. "You okay?"

As much as I would have liked not to, I grinned. "I'm great."

The door opened before anything else could be said. Andrew peeked in. "Hey boys, you all okay?"

"We're great," Michael answered. I tried not to face-palm.

"Luke Hemmings," Andrew grinned, extending his arm out. "Hey, I'm Andrew I'm 5SOS' tour manager. How's it going?"

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