I turned around to look at the girl who Louis just told off. I laughed at the girls reaction. She stood there sheepishly and blushed out of embarrassment she then grabbed some sweat pants and put them on and a winter coat. She sat back down to continue working and looked at us like One Direction walked by- oh wait that is what happened.

The workers provided a shack for all the plungers. It was heated and warm. So before and after we jumped we won't freeze to death. We walked in with our costumes still on. We heard endless conversation come from the women's loo about One Direction coming and how all the girls had to look perfect. That made me chuckle because it doesn't matter what our fans look like they are all beautiful on the inside and out to us. They don't have to dress up and put on layer and layers of makeup to get our attention. Being dedicated fans who support us in all our choices and not judging us is what gets our attention. For me personally it's also intelligence and someone who is athletic. They aren't scared to get a little dirty from playing football. That's my favorite sport, football (soccer in the U.S) and when I see a girl on the field playing it at the best she can is a big turn on. It shows she isn't a girl who worries about their hair or if they fall. Then I was brought out of my thoughts as the girls from the bathroom entered the room from the loo.

Then one by one the girls came out the bathroom in very revealing bikinis. All their cleavage was showing and their bottoms weren't even covered. They were all caked in makeup and their hair done in crazy hair do's. They all looked at us then strutted to the other side of the room only in bikinis. They didn't recognize us which was good we didn't want to be stuck in here while hearing endless screams and girls trying to 'go home with us'.

Then one girl with short blonde hair and a stick like firgure spoke up

"Who are you? And what are guys supposed to be?" She asked cockily.

Zayn replied this time in his best American accent.

"We are business men with mustaches. What are you guys supposed to be. Strippers?" He shot back.

The girl was taken aback by his comment but took it as a compliment.

"I know we look sexy but you can only look not touch we are waiting for One Direction." She replied looking satisfied.

"Trust me One Direction will not want to touch you guys. They won't like you because you guys aren't wearing any clothing. It just makes you guys unoriginal. They like girls who are okay with loosening up and dress in costumes and have fun." He said with confidence.

The blonde girl just gave him an evil stare and turned to talk with her friends. Then I texted Paul to come to the shack we were in.

To::Paul -- come to the warm shack we need you man, a bunch of fans in here come before they see through our disguises.

I hit send and told the boys that Paul should be coming. As if on que Paul walked in. The girls looked at him then their eyes widened. We all forgot that our fans know who Paul is.

"OMGEEEEE YOUR PAUL ONE DIRECTIONS BODY GUARD. WHERE ARE THE BOYS AGHHHH" They all started fangirling and all Paul did was shield his eyes then spoke.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't know you ladies were changing I'll go to the loo please tell me when you guys are dressed." I started rolling on the ground in laughter because Paul didn't know that was what they were wearing and they weren't in the middle of changing. Then Paul looked up to see where my laughter was coming from and stormed over to us. His eyes were opened in shock and he scolded us.

"Boys why are you watching these ladies get dressed. You boys are in so much trouble that is unacceptable. And Liam how could you of all the boys do this too-"

I cut him off before he went any further and whispered to him so that only Paul and the boys could hear.

"Paul they aren't changing. That is there while outfit for the event." I said. He just looked at us horrified then turned around and looked at the girls to realize they were gawking at us. Then the blonde screamed.

"YOUR'E ONE DIRECTION!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. She then turned and looked at her friends who all got excited and started to walk over to us. They couldn't get too close because Paul wouldn't let them them they started firing off questions. Some were absolutely ridiculous. They were asking for autographs and pictures at first but when we sat there in shock at there sudden outbreak not knowing what to say they started getting a little inappropriate. They started saying 'you know you want some of me' and 'c'mon guys we would be perfect in bed.' These girls looked only to be 14-15 they were so young to be saying such things. Then the door opened and in ran 5 girls with coffee. They were dressed like how we used to on a daily basis. They stood in shock at the sight of us. Then I caught sight of one girl. She was beautiful, She had long dark brown curly hair that reached her waist. She had no makeup on and was dressed in normal clothes not in slutty bras and panties. She wasn't as skinny as other girls but wow was she fit. She had perfect curves. I was looking at her body up and down when I noticed something. This Beauty standing in front of me had faint scars on her wrists. It was obvious she tried covering it with makeup. That made my heart sink a little. She was so beautiful she looked so happy so why would she do that. I don't know her but now I wanna know everything about her.....

""""""""""Published 1/10/14"""""""""

AN(9/24/14) sorry that they seem so mean, I know they aren't like that. It's kinda just for the effect of the story to emphasize the drawing the guys have to the main character and her friends.

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