It's about Niall

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Not a chapter, sorry.


I miss writting and updating in this book. I really do.

But anyways, this is about Niall. Firstly, I'd like to inform those who haven't found out yet that Niall might/ is going solo and as far as now (1 October, 2016) he has a new sing. I don't know when it released, but I was told by my sister. It's called This Town. Please support him and listen to it. I really think it's amazing and so sweet. Maybe even go look at the video of the song.

Also, I know we have alot of singers and people who can sing, so please, if you can, take a video of you singing Niall's song and post it. Let's make him big out there, guys. Let's show how much we love him. Sing the song, post on YouTube or on the internet like how people posted themself singing the song 'I took a pill in...' I don't know the last word.

Thanks guy. You don't have to vote for this chapter. It's not necessary.


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