Red Bra or Black Bra?

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Red Bra or Black Bra?


"Ni?" You walked up to Niall and stood besides him, whilst he was sitting on the sofa on his phone.

"Mmm?" He looked up at you with an eyebrow.

"Black bra or red bra?" You asked as you held them both up for him to look.

"Why?" He asked starring at each of them evenly.

"So listen," you sat down next to him. He placed his phone on his lap and paid full attention to you. "The girls and I were together for lunch yesterday, and we were talking about bra's and panties and all of that, until we got across to what colour was more... attractive and appealing."

He nodded, waiting for you to continue.

"And black and red were the most. We even went on the internet and all just to make sure. Black bras and red bras were the best bras ever. And we had this whole debate of which is better than the other, and I said it was black. I mean, red is red. But black is more... more, you know?" You paused with a frown. "But then (your/friend's/name) decided that we bring out answers today to discuss it."

Niall chuckled and shook head. "Firstly, you guys debated on bras?" He rose his eyebrow at you. "And secondly... how am I involved?"

You sighed. "Yes, we were. It's no laughing matter when you're a girl. And, I don't really have a good answer. And seeing that you're a guy, you would know? I mean, most guys things about this. So I'm sure you would know something about this."

He frowned for a while. "The question is... why do I like black bras?" He shrugged. "Well, I like it firstly because it's a romantic colour, yes? And it brings out the tone in different woman's skin tone."

You tilted your head a bit. "You would know this... how?"

"(Y/n)..." Niall smirked. "I'm famous."

"What does you being famous have to do with bras?"

"I've been with different types of woman because of my popularity. I've seen majority of them in bikini's. I mean, for a white girl, black bra's just brings out your tone and all. For black woman, it suits them. It brings out beauty and innocence, like white woman. For Indians... most Indians suit and love the colour black, so it goes good. Black goes with anyone. It's a romantic but dark colour. It acts as if it's innocent or something.. but has power. It's a beautiful dark colour." Niall shrugged and paused for a while. "I think a black bra is better because is has what all other colours don't have."

"Which is?"

"Compasion. And because you are (your/skin/tone), it goes good on you. It goes good on any one I've seen and haven't. I've been with any type of woman you can find. It's just a unique colour."

You smiled and understood. "That's great! My answer would be better than any of theirs."

Niall frowned at you. "You never had an answer,"

"You answered for me, yeah?" You smirked.

"That's copying." Niall stated.

"You'll get pancake and muffins?" You suggested.

"(Y/n)..." Niall whined.

"Pancakes and muffins and... breakfast for two weeks?"

"Deal." He smirked.

And he smiled. There is no better way to bribe Niall without food... and making out, but food is more important.

Niall Horan's DOPE Imagines (BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن