Hide and Go kiss

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Hide and go kiss.


Louis is on. He is the seeker, and you, Niall and Louis' girlfriend are the hiders. The only thing worse than hiding from Louis is getting bummed from Louis' big butt. And also getting caught in his own house.

His girlfriend, [let's name her... Lizzie] Lizzie decided to hide somewhere upstairs, whilst Niall decided to hide somewhere downstairs, but in the living room.

You suck at hiding, that's something you weren't ashamed off. But hide and seek at someone's house was another story. You stood there as Louis counted down nice and slowly. He knew that you were the first person he was gonna find; he wouldn't even have to try. It's a natural thing - him finding you was like it was an everyday thing.

"Twenty-five... twenty-four... twenty-three." Louis' voice rang around the house. It sounded like he was mocking you, the smirk that was heard was obvious that you didn't have a place to hide.

You stood there, and bit your lip with nerves. You didn't know where to hide, so you immediately started thinking of one solution.

"Niall!" You whispered in search for him. "Niall..."

"Eighteen... seventeen...sixteen..."

Niall's head peeped out from behind the fridge (I know.. ridiculous but still), and he looked at you his eyebrow up. "(Y/n), go hide! Louis is nearly done."

"But I don't know where to hide." You whined in desperation.

He quickly stood up and ran to you. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you in the laundry room. He made sure he never made noise when he closed the door. It was dark inside. You were close to reaching the switch, but it seemed like Niall sensed it, because he grabbed your hand.

"No, Louis knows he leaves this light off. He'll know someone was here." Niall said softly. He then pulled you somewhere, and you ended up finding the both of you pressed up against each other, between the washing machine and the long cupboard that reaches from the floor to the ceiling. Your back was against the cupboard, chest against Niall's chest, and the bottom half of his body was against the washing machine. There was small space between you guys and around. You couldn't see anything, but you could feel Niall's strawberry and chocolate hot breath fanning on your face.

You took a deep breath and chuckled. "I highly doubt he isn't gonna miss us. He will find us."

You couldn't see Niall, no, but you imagined him rolling his eyes. "(Y/n), Louis never finds me... ever. Trust me, he won't find us." Niall whispers.

You attemped to move your knee, because it was placed in a very uncomfortable position, but ended up bring in between Niall's legs. Niall chuckled, clearly confused with what you were trying to do, but you moved it again against his knee.

"This is one position." You whispered.

"Figures. But this seems like one nice sex position, no?" Niall asked.

You gasped and punched his chest, earning a groan. "You disgusting."

"I know... and I think that's why you love me, (y/n)." He smiled... you were sure he did.

Niall then bent down a bit and leaned his lips against your ear, making sure it brushed against it too, then said. "It's a sexy position, isn't it? I may not be able to see your body, but I'm sure I could definately feel you up." His hit breath sent shivers down your body.

"Mmm... that's a shame. Simply because it would never happen, Horan." You said and rolled your eyes. "You're so full of yourself."

Niall chuckled against your ear, again sending shivers down and up your body. "Says the one who will be screaming my name..."

You blushed and gasped, and pushed him away from you, making him laugh loudly. You both completely forgot that the game of hide and seek was still on, and it didn't flick in your mind.

"Shut up." You groaned and huffed.

"Shut up? But why? I thought you liked me speaking dirty?" He laughed again.

"Actually... not really. Now stop talking!"

"You want me to shut up?" He asked.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"Then shut me up."


"You heard me." He said with a cheeky attitude.

You rolled your eyes and forced your lips on his. He kissed back (I mean this is Niall you speaking of) and placed his hands on your butt, bringing you close against him. You placed both your hands on his chest and gripped in his shirt.

But it all stopped quickly when the door flew open and the lights flickered on like thunder. You pulled away and both you and Niall looked at the door.

Louis stood there, with Lizzie sticking her head out to look in. Louis gave off the 'what-the-eff' expression.

"Hide and seek?" Louis started and rolled his eyes. "More like hide and go kiss. We are supposed to play hide and seek so that I could find you. The second I realised that I haven't found (y/n) within ten seconds, I knew something was up." He rubbed his chin. "I wouldn't know... but I guess I now do. Niall and (y/n) are frikken eating each other's faces off... loudly! I mean, couldn't you atleast be quiet?"

You giggled and rolled your eyes. "Thanks for disturbing, Louis."

"Oh, I'm actually the one who told him that you guys were here." Lizzie said shyly.

Niall tilted his head. "But why?"

"Because I knew you guys were up to something." She shrugged. "And I guess I was right."

"Now, I'm gonna count to frikken ten and you better get out of here!" Louis said through gritted teeth and walked out of the room. "One! Two! Three!"

You and Niall quickly scrambled out of the laundry room and into the living room.

Louis clicked his tongue and mumnled, obviously, because it was loud for you and Niall to hear.

"Hide and go kiss, aye?"


Hey hey hey! How it going? Hope you loved this like i did. I found it romantic. Thanks for reading guys.

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