epilogue: months later...

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Months later

Mishiga woke up at the sound of his alarm. His old personality returned to him as he stood up and took a shower.

He then dried himself and wore his school uniform as he walked to school. Along the way, he saw Mai and Harumi. "Oh hey there," he said.

Both waved and walked beside him. Sarudo then appeared and walked beside Mishiga as they talked.

Soon the reached the entrance gate and Max was there, waving. They waved back as they chuckled/giggled.

When they reached their class, he sat on his seat as he heard whispers. "New students are coming to school!" One of his classmates said.

"Really?!!" The other one said. "Yeah!! And also, our homeroom teacher became principal!!" He continued. Mishiga had enough of it as he fell asleep.

Time skip after school

'About time,' he thought as he packed his stuff as he went to Card Capital. There, he saw a boy with brown hair, glasses and his school uniform.

"Mishiga! You're here!" Max said, grinning. "I want you to meet one of our new students," he continued, as the brunette looked at them.

"Mishiga. Meet Hanafi Kagurai."
And that's a wrap. Yay!!! Now we shall focus on Void Returns?!! I gotta admit. Although it was short, it was unbelievably the greatest story I've ever wrote and also the first story I've completed. Dang I'm happy. Now with my new tagline: be happy, no matter where you are.


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